26/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning, I hope you had a great Monday!

To start the day lets warm up our fingers with a scissor activity. Print off or copy the bird pictures from the link below.

birds-shadow-matching-printable.jpg (464×600) (funnycrafts.us)

Now use your scissors to cut around the pictures to make some cards. This will help you practice your scissor skills and refine your fine motor skills.

Later you can play snap or matching games if you do two copies.


For another activity take a walk and see if you can spot any birds. Copy this link for a bird spotting sheet.

image (500×354) (dryuc24b85zbr.cloudfront.net)


For todays phonics activity have a go at this: Enlivening stories:

Involve the children in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated
sounds, for example acting out:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).

You can have lots of fun with this one!


Have a lovely day, Leanne.