Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 24th March.

Good morning class 2, I hope you all managed to complete your learning tasks yesterday and still found time to enjoy the lovely weather that we have been having? I hope you are all well and remember to contact me through class dojo if you have any questions or if you want to tell me about what you have been doing. Please find today’s learning tasks below.


Length Facts


Please read the first chapter of the book in your packs and answer the questions below.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chapter One

esio trot chapter 1

Charlotte’s Web Chapter One


As the weather is so good at the moment, I thought it might be interesting to complete a garden survey. We will try to complete another survey in the future so that we can make a  comparison of what we have found.  Please look at page 2 of the booklet below. You can either print the table or draw a similar table into your lined books. Complete the survey for 30 minutes in your garden recording the date, the time of day and the weather conditions when you do so.


Something Extra?

Play on Times Table Rockstars.