Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 25th March.

Hello Class 2.

I hope you all enjoyed completing your garden survey tasks yesterday. It was a beautiful afternoon for it. It was so lovely that my tortoise woke up from hibernation! Please find today’s tasks below.


How to solve problems with fraction of quantities


Please click for English writing tasks


As we will be looking at the Titanic, I thought we should try to find out about what life was like in 1912 compared to today. On the sheet below, you will see a comparison chart. Either copy a similar chart into your book or you can edit this sheet and print it. I would like Year 3 to compare 3 ways of life, year 4 to compare 4 ways of life and year 5 to compare 5 ways of life. You can choose any areas that you like. There is a video link at the bottom of the page for you to start your research but you may need to complete some research yourself. Try to include two – three bullet points for each year in each of your chosen ways of life.


Something extra?

Try to read the next chapter of your book or the next few pages before next week.