Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 26th March

Hi there Class 2,

I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Here are your activities for Thursday 26th March.

Practise your spellings by completing Look, Cocer, Write, Check X 3 for each word. You can do this neatly in your yellow book.

Read from a book of your own choice for at least 15 minutes and try to read aloud to another adult for at least 5 minutes. Record this in your planner.


Year 3 Complete Pages 1, 2 & 3 of your Maths Revision booklet

Year 4 & 5, Work through pages 1-6 of your Maths Revision booklet. Read the examples carefully and follow what is going on. Answers are shown but I want you to work through the examples and any questions shown. Once you are familiar with each step being explained create your own questions for each section and record them with the answers in your yellow book.


Work through Test 1 of the SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar) Tests you took home in your pack


Youtube 9.00am: PE with Joe. Streamed Live at 9.00am. Joe Wicks is doing a 30 minute PE session each day for primary School children You can complete this anytime in the day if you can’t manage it at the live streaming time. Just search for “PE with Joe”.


I know some of you have already logged into Duolingo, I love your enthusiasm. Log into duolingo and complete Lesson 1 of your Class Assignment.

Have a great day.

Mr Church