Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 30th April

Good Morning Class 2,

A big thank-you to Owen, Emily and Charlie who all sent me pictures of their dragons and to Summer who sent me some of her nonsense poems. I enjoyed seeing them.

Here are your activities for today.

We will be using the White Rose materials again today. Use the link: to access the lessons and answers.

Year 3: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 – Problem Solving

Year 4: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 – Ordering Money

Year 5: Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 4 – Subtracting decimals with a different number of decimal places


Today I would like you to try another Developing Tray activity from Purple Mash.

I haven’t set it as a 2Do as it didn’t work for some of you last time but hopefully, if you follow these instructions it should work! Firstly, log into Purple Mash:

From the Home screen select English

Next select the Grammar Toolbox from the SPAG Menu

Now select the Developing Tray option

Once you have opened Developing Tray, click on Launch App and it will open the Developing Tray Activities.

Click on number 5 “I Saw A Jolly Hunter” to open the activity.

Read the poem and then click on the green “Play” arrow at the top of the page. The text will then disappear and you can use the buttons at the bottom of the page to rebuild the text by predicting letters. Good Luck.


PE with Joe: Youtube 9.00am or catch up later.

MFL – French

Log into Duolingo and work on any Assignments that you haven’t completed. Last week you should have completed lessons 1-4 of Greeting but I can see there are still a few of you who are still working on it.

For those those of you who are up to date, I have set a new assignment,  Basics 2. Complete Lesson 1 and spend some time revisiting previous assignments to try and upskill your level.

Remember to read, practise your spellings and spend some time practising your multiplication tables.

Have a great day.

Mr Church.