Class 2 Home Learning Friday 1st May

Good Morning Class 2.

Thanks to Will for sending me his completed dragon, it looks very impressive and apologies to those of you who had problems again with Developing Tray, I am puzzled as to why this is happening.

Here are your tasks for today.


Friday Family Challenge. Last week White Rose published the first of their Friday Challenges, so I would like you to have a go at this. The most appropriate questions for Y3 are 1-4, Y4 are 1-5 and Y5 are 1-6. Try solving these questions independently then work as a family to solve them all and any you had difficulty with. click the link to open up the challenges.

Family-Challenge-Friday-1- WRM


Last week, as well as it being St George’s Day, it was also William Shakespeare’s birthday. Today I would like you to complete a Reading Comprehension about William Shakespeare. The text and questions are differentiated so Year 3 use the materials with one star. Year 4 – two stars and Year 5 – three stars. The answers are included so you will be able to mark your work afterwards.

William Shakespeare Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity.pdf

When you have completed the Reading Comprehension, try one of the wordsearches below.

Shakespeare Wordsearch


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9:00am or catch up later in the day.



Log into Duolingo at

Complete Lesson 2 of the Basics 2 Assignment.

At some time today, ask an adult to test you on your spellings by spelling them out loud.

Have a good day and a safe weekend.
