Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 7th May

Good Morning Class 2. I hope you are all well and getting a chance to enjoy the good weather in between your learning activities. Keep posting your work on Class Dojo, it’s good to see your responses to different tasks.

This Friday sees the 75th Anniversary of VE Day so some of your activities for Thursday and Friday will be based around this.


Firstly, follow the link to watch a short video from the BBC explaining the significance of VE Day:

Then read through some information about VE Day before answering questions from the text.

1a. VE Day 75th Anniversary Daily News Story (ages 9-11) 1b. VE Day 75th Anniversary Daily News Story (ages 7-9) 3. VE Day 75th Anniversary Task Sheet 4. Medal Worksheet 5. VE Day 75th Anniversary Image Sheet Parent Plan

You can then go on to complete the other activities and there is also a Help sheet for parents. Spread this work out over Thursday and Friday and also try to complete as many of the VE tasks which were posted by Mrs. Tomkinson. You could make some bunting to go in the front garden or make a “Tommy” to go in your window.

Have fun.


This week’s White Rose activities are posted below:

Year 3: Summer Term Week 3 Lesson 4 – Multiply and divide by 3.

Year 4: Summer Term Week 3 Lesson 4 – Divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number.

Year 5: Summer Term Week 3 Lesson 4 – Calculate Perimeter

For those of you who completed the Family Maths Challenge set last Friday, here are the answers.



PE with Joe, 9.00am Youtube or catch up later in the day.


Log into Duolingo Complete Lesson 3 from Basics 2

Have a great Day.

Mr Church