Class 2 Home Learning Friday 15th May

Good Morning Class 2

I hope you are all happy and well. Here are your learning activities for today.


Today I would like you to try another Family Friday Challenge. Work through all the questions you can do independently and then work as a family to try and solve all of the others.

Family-Challenge-Friday-2- WRM

Answers-Family Challenge 2


Today we are going to use BBC Bitesize for our English activities. Click on the link to open the Bitesize daily lessons page and then click on your Year group.

Year3: Grammar activity using There, their or they’re correctly.

Year 4: Develop your proofreading skills

Year 5: Writing a recount

The links should take you to the lessons where there are introductory videos and activities to complete.


PE with Joe at 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.


A little bit of fun exploring Pulse and Rhythm. The first part of this activity needs to be accessed from BBC Bitesize and was a Year 3 Daily Lesson from 1st May. This can be easily extended for Years 4 and 5 in the second part where you create your own Pulse and Rhythm beats using Purple Mash.

Watch the videos and complete the activities. Then you will need to log into Purple Mash. Go to Tools, scroll down to Music & Sound and then open up 2Beat. I have set it as a 2Do on the Purple Mash Home Page so hopefully you can access it straight away from there.

You can now experiment with creating your own Pulse and Rhythm beats using different sounds. Click on the far right green arrow for an introduction on how the program works.

If you can save or “hand in” your compositions, that would be great as I can then listen to your creations.

Enjoy and have fun.

Mr. Church