Home Learning Wednesday 17th June

Hi Class 2,

I am pleased to see that some of you enjoyed yesterday’s geography activity. I hope you enjoy today’s art activity too! Here are today’s tasks.

Warm up: Can you complete this multiple sorting activity. Bronze can leave the multiples as 2 and 5, silver try 4 and 6 and gold try 8 with a multiple of your choice.

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below. This week we will be using some of the alternative materials, so the link to the videos may look different than usual.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 15th June lesson 3 Measure perimeter
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 15th June Lesson 3 – Subtract two 4 digit numbers – more than one exchange
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 15th June Lesson 3 – Draw line graphs
year 3 Lesson 3 – Measure perimeter
year 4 Lesson 3 – Subtract two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange
Year 5 Lesson 3 – Draw line graphs
year 3 Lesson 3 Answers – Measure perimeter
Year 4 Lesson 3 Answers – Subtract two 4-digit numbers – more than one exchange
Year 5 Lesson 3 Answers – Draw line graphs


Today we will be looking at English lessons form the Oak Academy. They will focus on reading comprehension related to words. There is a quiz to complete, then a video to watch and a comprehension at the end. Please write the answers to the comprehension straight into your exercise books. Please click on the links below.

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5



Can you draw a whale with Rob Biddulph? Please note that this video took place a few weeks ago as part of a world record attempt, although that attempt has already taken place, we can still use the video to draw the whale. For the first 6 minutes he talks about this, feel free to jump forward 6 minutes if you like.

We know that Euro 2020 has been postponed this year. So lets look back to the World cup 2018. Can you identify all of the countries that took part? Use the flags below to help you.

Countries and capital cities home learing