Home Learning Monday 25.01.21

Good Morning Class 2,

I hope you have had a lovely weekend. Perhaps you managed to get outside in the snow if you had any? Today there will be a Teams meeting for year 5 at 2.30. We will complete our spelling test and a guided reading session. Year 3 and 4, your session will be later in the week. Please watch the video below to explain today’s learning.


Today for your maths warm up I would like you to complete the times table rockstars task that I have sent you via email. Everybody is working on a different times table in school, so the one that you have been sent is the one that you are currently working on. Don’t worry about completing all three sheets. Just complete one of the three sheets, allow yourself three minutes to see how many you can complete.

Year 3

mon Y3-Answers-How-many-ways

mon Y3-Worksheet-How-many-ways

Year 4

mon Year 4-Answers-Correspondence-problems

mon Year 4 Worksheet-Correspondence-problems

Year 5

Today I would like you to complete an end of unit challenge. This will be looking at everything you have learnt over the past couple of weeks and will give me an idea of what you have understood. Give yourself as much time as you need to complete it. Remember to apply the different methods that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Please send a picture once you have finished.

mon Year-5-Multiplication-and-Division



On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.



Today in English we are looking at direct speech. You have two video to watch, one about the animal we are focusing on and one with my explanation of the task. You can also explore this BBC site which will remind you about what direct speech is and when you can use it.

Year 3/4

year 3 4 bee-eater-direct-speech-worksheet

Year 5

year 5 giraffe-developing-direct-speech



Today we will be looking at igneous rock in more detail. Please complete this lesson from the Oak Academy. The task is part of the video. Please pause the video when you are asked to in order to complete the task on the screen.

Once we have looked at the three types of rock in more detail, I am hoping that you can carry out a practical investigation with chocolate (like the one that you saw in the video) to represent they three types of rock. That will take place either next week or the week after, so in preparation could you please get a bar of white, milk and dark chocolate. Don’t worry if you cannot get these – I will provide an alternative activity.

For tomorrow’s science lesson I have arranged for a stone mason to join us for our Teams meeting. This is a video explaining what a stonemason’s job involves.  Before tomorrow’s Teams meeting, could you each prepare 2-3 questions you would like to ask him. You could think about our learning so far about rocks, or it could be about his job. Could you please either e mail your questions to me, or send them to me via class dojo?


It is important at the moment to make sure we are getting enough exercise. If you can combine that with fresh air that would be great! Perhaps you could go for a walk/bike ride/ run with a member of your family? If you are unable to, can you complete today’s Joe Wicks workout? You will find the link to his youtube channel below.

Joe Wicks