Home Learning – 22.01.21

Good morning. I hope you are all okay and managed to get outside and do something in the snow yesterday.  Here are today’s learning tasks.  Our Teams meeting today is for Guided Reading and will be at 11:00 for everybody. Please make sure your mics are muted as you will all be online together. I hope you can join me as I have a special request for you to complete by the end of the day involving an online visitor to our class.


Reception – today we are learning to read the tricky words we me be.

Go onto Phonics Play and play Flashcards, speed trial for phase 2 and 3. Remember it is free to log onto this site at the moment.


Try reading these sentences:

R Fri wk 3

Years One and Two – have a go on Phonics Play and play Flashcards Speed Trail for all phases.  Were there any that you didn’t recognise? Then have a go at Cheeky Chimps and Acorn Adventures.  If there were any phonemes that you didn’t recognise, you could choose them here. Remember it is free to log on to this site at the moment.


Reception – play How many bears game.

Have a go at these subtraction sentences:


Years One and Two – We are continuing to subtract. Head over to Purple Mash for your task for today. Afterwards, try playing levels one and two of Fruit Splat. Remember to subtract carefully!



Reception: Can you make a jungle for Ran Tan?  Have a look online and see what the rainforest where he would like will look like.  You could paint a rainforest, create one out of 3d objects or even craft one through junk modelling.  I look forward to seeing your amazing creations online.

Years One and Two: see if you can answer these questions about Ran Tan. Remember that a sentence needs a capital letter, finger spaces between word and a full stop at the end.  Try to use the word ‘because’ in your sentences too.

Rang tan

Guided Reading

Whole Class – Teams session at 11:00am.


Linking nicely with English, we are looking at What is a Rainforest?

Watch the BBC video below to learn what a rainforest habitat is like. Then take the quiz to see how much you can remember.


Watch the powerpoint on the Tropical Rainforest.  Can you create your own rainforest scene showing which animals live in the different layers. Use a piece of paper placed landscape and create sky and land, remember to add the different sorts of trees needed to create a landscape.  Please add colour to make it stand out. Then use the attached sheet, or draw and add the animals to the correct layer.



Reception – you could add the animals to the rainforest you created this morning in English.

Years One and Two – write a couple of sentences about the differences between each layer.