Home Learning Monday 22.02.21

Good morning Class 2,

I hope you have all had a great half term? Hopefully I will be able to hear some of the different things that you have been doing on the Teams meetings today and tomorrow. As it is our first day back, our meeting today will be for everyone at 1.30 where we will look at our science task. Year 5, you will have your guided reading session and spelling test tomorrow instead at 2.30. Please watch the video below explaining today’s tasks.

Today, I have also given you an alternative way of accessing some of the worksheets through a learning platform called Showbie. This will allow you to type or write directly on to a worksheet and submit it to me. If you would like to use Showbie, there is a video below explaining how to log on. You will need our class code which is  BPC9M. 



For your maths starter, choose between bronze, silver or gold. Try to jot the answers down as quickly as you can.

Year 3



Year 4



Year 5





On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


This week we will be starting to read a new book in English. This book features a play called ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’. It is a very famous play by William Shakespeare. You will need to have some understanding of the play and the main characters to help you understand the book. Can you please watch the two videos about it below. Underneath you have some tasks. You will need to sequence events in the story and name the main characters. You may find it easier to complete these while you are watching the film.




Over the next half term in science, we will be focusing on developing our skills of enquiry. There are five different types of enquiry (see the poster below) and to start with, we will be completing a fair test or comparative enquiry.


Please watch this short video clip to remind you what a fair test is.

We will be carrying out an enquiry to find out which biscuit is the best for dunking. We will talk through the plan and fill some of it in during this afternoon’s Teams meeting. Please have the planning sheet with you this afternoon (or the planning board drawn into your book). We will complete the enquiry next Monday, so by then could you please have three different types of biscuits to test which is the best dunker!

biscuit dunking plan

Please find below the plan that we completed together:

biscuit dunking plan together


I hope you all enjoyed the martial arts video before half term? If you did, here is the second video. If you would prefer to get outside for a bike ride or walk that is fine too.