Home Learning Wednesday 24.02.21

Good morning class 2,

I am glad that most of you are enjoying our new class book. We will carry on reading it today. There is no Teams meeting today, but there are some videos below for you to watch. Have a great day!


For your starter, have a go at this times tables tester. Try to focus on the times table that you are currently working on, or if you are now confident with that, the next times table that you wish to improve.

Year 3

Today I would like you to complete an end of unit challenge. This will be looking at everything you have learnt over the past couple of weeks and will give me an idea of what you have understood. Give yourself as much time as you need to complete it. Remember to apply the different methods that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Please send a picture once you have finished.


Year 4



Year 5

For today’s year 5 task there is no accompanying worksheet. Please pause the video (or powerpoint underneath) and complete the activity straight into your book.

y5 -Add-mixed-numbers-activity


On Fiction Express I would like you to read the next chapter of your book. Or you can use the Oxford Owl website.


Today in English we will look at chapter 2 of our book ‘Rock Bottom’. Please watch the video below where I will read the chapter to you. I have also sent a pdf copy of the text to you via email. You can use this to help you to answer the questions below.




Religious Education

This week in R.E. we are thinking about your special or sacred place. Please watch the video below. I have also included a copy of the powerpoint in case you wanted to look at it again.


Presentation 1 – Intro to special places My special place

I would now like you to draw your special place. You can either use a blank piece of paper or the sheet provided. Remember to label your drawing. If you are using the sheet you can list the features of your special place under the different headings.

My special place



If you would like to continue with the weekly daily mile challenge I have attached this week’s challenge below. Can you try to plan your route around your favourite places?


If you would prefer to do something else, perhaps try this rainbow yoga?