Class 2 Homework 25.06.21

Hello Class 2

This week you will be looking at completing a comprehension about Myths and Legends. There are different comprehensions for year 3, 4 and 5, so please complete yours.

This can be printed and handed in or written down and handed in by next Thursday.

Year 3 Comprehension – Word document

Year 3 Comprehension – PDF

Year 4 Comprehension – Word document

Year 4 Comprehension – PDF

Year 5 Comprehension – Word document

Year 5 Comprehension- PDF

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars.

Finally, you also need read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a fantastic weekend

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 18.06.21

Hello Class 2

This week you will be looking at Electrical circuits. This is continuing from your work in Science.

You need to go to BBC Bitesize, watch the video and read the information about electrical circuits. This will help you answer the questions on the worksheet below. I have uploaded a PDF, Word and image version underneath.

This can be printed and handed in or written down and handed in by next Thursday.

Electrical circuits questions PDF

Electrical circuits questions word

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. I would love to hand out more stickers next week. (3 this week)

Finally, you also need read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 11.06.21

Hello Class 2

This week I have given you a comprehension to complete. This comprehension links to your learning in History, the Anglo Saxons. Read the passage and answer all the questions underneath.

A picture of your completed questions can be sent via Dojo or you can bring you work into school. This must be completed by Thursday 17th June.

Each year has a different comprehension:

Year 3 Anglo Saxon Comprehension

Year 4 Anglo Saxons Comprehension

Year 5 Anglo Saxon Comprehension

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. Lets keep working hard with as the Times Tables are improving week after week.

Finally, you also need read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a great weekend

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 28.05.21

Hello Class 2

Over the half term break I would like you to continue thinking about you Bookfest stories. Four members of Class 3 came into our class on Friday to show us their books. They even read us their blurb and author description.

So, I would like you to write your own author description (remember you’re the author).

I have included a model of an author description for you to look at.

Author description examples – pdf

Author description examples – word document

Please bring your Homework with you on the first day back. It can be typed or hand written.

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. I am more and more impressed each week with the amount of children being close to or moving up to their next times tables. Keep working hard!

Finally, you also need read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a fantastic half term and stay safe.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 21.05.21

Hello Class 2

For your Homework this week you need to log on to Purple Mash and complete the quiz about magnetism. Think back to your Science lesson and use your knowledge to answer the questions. Which poles attract? Which poles repel? Is the red end of the Magnet, North or South?

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. We have had some good results this week, with a couple of people moving up.

Finally, you can also read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 14.05.21

Hello Class 2

For your Homework this week you need to log on to Purple Mash and complete the activity about time. This is a follow on from our learning this week.

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. We have had some good results this week, with a couple of people moving up.

Finally, you can also read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 07.05.21

Hello Class 2

For your Homework this week, you can go to BBC Bitesize, watch the video, complete the task and answer the quiz all about the force of Gravity. This is carrying on from our learning in science.

After your science work this week and your homework, you should be able to answer these questions:

Who was Isaac Newton?

What is gravity?

Where is the force of gravity weaker, the Moon or the Earth?


You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars.

Finally, you can also read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 30.04.21

Hello Class 2

For your Homework this week, you can go to BBC Bitesize, watch the video, complete the task and answer the quiz all about Forces. This is carrying on from our learning this week in science.

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars.

Finally, you can also read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.

Miss Gray

Class 2 Homework 23.04.21

Hello Class 2,

Please complete the Homework by Thursday 29th April.

This week we looked at ‘The Big Ask’. This is a questionnaire that all children and young people around the country have been asked to complete. Dame Rachel de Souza (Children’s Commissioner for England) would like to hear young people’s opinions. This is a great way to use your right to give your own opinions and be listened to.

The Big Ask Questionnaire

You can also practise your Times Tables on TT rockstars and read more chapters from your book (or pick a new book to read) on Fiction Express.

Have a lovely week!

Miss Gray

Class 2 Easter Homework

Hello Class 2

I have set you some holiday work to complete.

Please read the first 3 chapters of our new book ‘Perijee and Me’ by Ross Montgomery.

If that link doesn’t work please try, Perijee & Me Chapter 1-3

I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash called Alien Character Description. You need to draw and describe an Alien from your imagination. You need to describe what the Alien looks like and what the Alien’s personality is like? Can you even include a simile?

In our first week back, we want to hand out a record breaking number of stickers. So you need to practise your Times Tables on TT rockstars.

Your spellings will be tested on the first day back, so make sure you practise them. I wonder how many of you can get 10/10? (All of you can!!)

Finally, have a lovely Easter break and stay safe.

Miss Gray