Home Learning – 14.01.21

Good morning. Thank you to those who joined me for Phonics yesterday, it was lovely to see you all. Let’s have a go at joining together on Teams for English today. Reception can you join me at 11:00, Years One and Two at 11:30 please.

If you enjoyed your work out song yesterday morning, you can find more dance videos over at:


If you find a new favourite, drop me a Dojo message to tell me which one so I can try it out too please!


Reception – we are learning the phoneme z today. Can you write it in the air? Can you write it on your grown-ups back? Can you write it down?

Can you read these words and add soundbuttons?

R thurs wk2

Can you read these sentences?

R thurs sentences wk2

Remember you can always access Phonics Play for more phonics fun. Go to phase 2 or 3 to play games.

Years One and Two –  we are continuing with alternative spellings for oa today.

Can you read these sentences and highlight the oa sounds in each word, remember they may be spelt differently each time:

1 and 2 thurs wk2

Remember you can always access Phonics Play for more phonics fun. Go to phase 5 to play games.


Join me on Teams for today’s English lesson. See above for a reminder of times and check your email for your invitation.


Reception – instead of adding numbers together today to make them bigger, we are going to take them away to make them smaller by finding one less than. Watch this video with your grown-up to help you.


So today, could you get a total of 5 objects and take one away. So start with 5 and take one away – how many are left? Repeat these down to 1 less than 1. Grown-ups, if you want to, you could show your child this as a number sentence, i.e. 5-1=4.

Years One and Two – today we are moving on to subtraction or taking away. Remember if you are using a number line, this means you will be jumping backwards when you are using it! Watch the video, then complete the worksheet.


Remember to count carefully!


Today we are looking at the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Watch the video below to learn more about it.


Reception and Year One – please draw or make a menorah. You could make one out of playdough or use lego blocks or simply draw and colour one in your book. Can you think of eight things to say thank you for?

Year Two – answer my questions about Hanukkah. Please remember to write in full sentences.



Reception – read Ten Little Lights


Year One –  read Animals all around the world (this fits in nicely with our Science topic)


Year Two – read Aisha, the superhero



Home Learning – 13.01.21

Good morning everyone. Here is your home learning for today.  I’ll be calling Teams meetings today for our phonics lessons. Hopefully you will all be able to get online for these and join me and the rest of your class. Reception at 10:00 and Years One and Two at 10:15.

Let’s warm up, Class One style:

and if you’ve still got some extra energy…



Lets recap some numbers with our old friend Zero Zero Superhero:

Reception: We are continuing to add numbers together today. Have a go at this washing machine addition activity. Can you write the number sentences in your book for me.


Year One and Two: Today we are going to add by making ten. Watch the video to start you off and then complete the worksheet.





We are going to try to have a live lesson on Teams today for Phonics so Reception please join me at 10:00 and Year One and Two at 10:15. You will need a whiteboard and pen if you have one, if not a pencil and a piece of paper for sentence and word writing! Invitations will be being sent out. If you are still having issues getting online please let me know asap so I can try to resolve any issues. Subsequently if you cannot make the lesson, please tell me so I can send you the work via Class Dojo.


We are continuing our work on Where the Wild Things are and today I would like you to design your own wild thing.  Use the sheet attached to help you create a new character for the story – you could paint, collage or draw your creature but they must be coloured in and look finished please. You can make them as wild as you like! Please remember to send me your work so I can see it either on email (g.bickerstaffe@cheswardine.shroshire.sch.uk) or on Class Dojo.

Reception: can you create your wild thing and then write single words to describe it or if you are feeling brave, write a sentence!

Year One and Two: Use the attached sheet to help you to describe your creature. Remember that your sentences MUST start with a capital letter, have finger spaces and end with a full stop. If you can add some adjectives in your writing that would be excellent.

design your own wild thing


What are the stages of human life?

Do you know what the stages of human life are?  Can you name them? (I’ll give you a clue – there are 5). What are the differences between a baby and a toddler?  Watch this clip from the BBC and with your grown up discuss the similarities and differences between babies and their parents:


Growing and Changing Lesson Presentation

Reception: can you match the babies to their adults?


Years One and Two: Can you make a Growing and Changing booklet like the one attached?  You could get a piece of A4 paper and fold it into four to make a booklet or use two pieces of paper to give you more room. Make a front cover and then put the five stages of growing up inside. Add an illustration for each stage and some information about what each stage means – i.e. baby – can only drink milk, cannot walk.

TP-Sc-100-PlanIt-Science-Y2-Animals-Including-Humans-Lesson-2-Growing-and-Changing-_ver_4 Activity Growing and Changing Mini Book


Log onto Oxford Owl and read these books today.

Reception: Can you see me? Read the book and complete the online activities.

Year One: The Right Home. Read the book and complete the online activities.

Year Two: Zoom Out. Please write a fact you have learnt for each page. Remember to write in full sentences please.

Class One – Home Learning – Tuesday 12th January

Good morning Class One – Here are today’s home learning tasks.

Join me for a Scheduled Teams meeting 9.30am for a dough disco to get those fingers ready for work today. Please log-on to Teams and accept your invitation.


Reception: Warm up your brains with my favourite shape song.

Today we will be working on adding numbers together. Work through the winter themed power point on addition. Then complete the addition questions.

EYFS-Winter-Themed-Addition-Powerpoint_ver_1 (1)

EYFS – winter addition to 10

Year 1 and 2:

Today we will be finding and making number bonds. Begin by watching the learning video.


Now complete the questions. https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO2-Find-and-make-number-bonds-2019.pdf


Have another listen to the story.

Reception: Today you will be using purple mash to create your own images and text to go with the story. Complete the activity I have set.

Year 1 and 2: Yesterday we recapped identifying and using nouns, adjectives and verbs. Today I have set a task on purple mash to practise these skills then use them to describe a new scene for the story. Impress me with your sentences!



Revisit some of the phase 2 sounds by playing this game.

Come and join in with my learning video to find out what today’s new sound is.

Year 1 and 2:

Let’s revisit all the phase 3 and 5 phonemes we have learnt. Click on the link to play speed trials.


Watch my video to continue learning about the alternative graphemes for the ‘oa’ sound.

Now Click on the link to play ‘word sort’ for the alternative ‘oa’ graphemes.



Year 2: Play ‘Compound Words’ today. See if you can complete all three levels Easy to Hard.




Year 1: Read ‘Silver Foil Rocket’ and play the activities. Hopefully this link takes you straight there otherwise you might have to log-in with your oxford owl. Some readers may find it a good idea to split the book, reading half in the morning and half in the afternoon.


Year 2: Read ‘A pony for a day’ and play the activities. Hopefully this link takes you straight there otherwise you might have to log-in with your oxford owl. Some readers may find it a good idea to split the book, reading half in the morning and half in the afternoon.



We are going to be using our online music package ‘Charanga YUMU’ This package contains songs/music to listen to, songs to learn and sing. You can even have a go at singing and performing songs with musical instruments if you have them at home or simply improvising with household objects that make noise.

Please find attached a PDF with login details, scroll down to your child’s name.

Class 1 – Log in letters for Charanga

When you log in you will find two packages assigned to our class.

Reception: You will Use the package called ‘Everyone’

Click on Launch Step 1

Click on and work through the 1st activity on the right hand side of the screen (listen and respond). Press play >

Repeat for the 5th and 6th activity.

Year 1 and 2: You will use the package called ‘Rhythm in the way we walk and banana rap’

Click on Launch Step 1

Click on and work through the activities on the right hand side of the screen.

Press play>

Join me for a Scheduled Teams meeting 3.30pm for Story Time. Please log-on to Teams and accept your invitation.

Home Learning Monday 11th January

A good morning video from Mrs Jones.


(Details of scheduled Teams meeting at the end.)


Reception: To warm up your brains count to 10 and back down to 0 again. Can you do it whilst jumping?

We are going to be learning about one more and zero today. Start by watching the video.

Now, Can you show me 1 more than 1,2,3,4,and 5. You could either use toys and photograph them or draw blocks. Can you write the number sentence to go with each eg. 1 +1 =2

Year 1 and 2. Today we will continue to add ones using number bonds.

You may need to pause the video to allow for thinking time and writing down calculations and answers. The first part of the video is a warm up followed by the new learning.

Now please complete the questions. https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO-Add-ones-using-number-bonds-2020.pdf


I have narrated the slides so you will hear my voice. Once you have opened the power point you need to ‘play’ the slideshow from the beginning by clicking on the slide show icon in the bottom right hand corner which should then play the whole thing automatically. I will show you a picture of where the slide show icon is on dojos. (you don’t need to click on the speaker button that appears on screen). I really hope you are able to access this as it it a clear way for me to explain to the children what to do with examples. Please let me know if you are having any problems.


Today we will be looking at a scene from the story ‘Where the wild Things Are’. Please open the power point to find your lesson and instructions.

Reception english 11.1.21

Year 1 and 2: Today we will be describing a scene from the story ‘Where the wild Things Are’. Please open the power point to find your lesson and instructions.

Power point 1 and 2 english 11.1.21

You can do the writing on paper and send me a photo or on the power point and email it back to me jones.s@cheswardine.shropshire.sch.uk


Reception: First watch this video to re-cap the phase 2 sounds that we know.

Watch my video to find out what today’s new sound is!


Now do the phonics activity set for you in purple mash.

Year 1 and 2:

First revisit all of the phase 3 sounds by joining in with the video.

Today we will be comparing the alternative graphemes for the oa phoneme. (All the different spellings of the same sound ‘oa’.

We have the following graphemes:

ow – as in grow      oe – Joe     oa – road     ough – doughnut     o-e – stroke     o – no

Now complete the two activities I have created in purple mash.


Have a look at the story in the power point. It is a story with no words. Can you tell your family the story? Discuss what is happening in the pictures and talk about how the mouse must be feeling.


This is about a mouse who looks at all the other animals and thinks that she is useless. When hunters come to the jungle, she realises that it is ‘good to be me!’

Year 1 and 2: Put these statements about the story in the correct order: You can do this verbally, or print them and stick in order or write them out in order. Let me know on dojos how you did it.

  • The animals get caught by hunters. They call for help.
  • At first Mouse thinks she is too useless to help, but frees the animals by chewing through the ropes.
  • Mouse wants to be special like the other animals.
  • When the other animals thank her and offer her anything she wants, she realises that they have already given her everything she wanted by helping her to understand that it really is good to be her.
  • She sees Lion who is a great leader, Gazelle who can run fast and Monkey who can climb. Mouse wishes she were special like them.
  • Mouse hides away, feeling useless and unhappy.

Reception Year 1 and Year 2: I would now like you to think about what makes you special.

Draw a picture of yourself in the middle of the page.

Write all around your picture what makes you special.

I will look forward to seeing how magnificent you are.


Today we will have a guided reading session on Teams. This is my first go at live guided reading on Teams so we will see how we get on. I’m sure it will be great!

Reception: Scheduled Teams meeting 1.30pm. Please log-on to Teams and accept your invitation.

Year 1: Scheduled Teams meeting 1.45pm. Please log-on to Teams and accept your invitation.

Year 2: Scheduled Teams meeting 2.15pm. Please log-on to Teams and accept your invitation.

How to make Playdough at home.

Hello all.

Playdough is a great resource to have at home for learning and playing not to mention a a fun way to strengthen the muscles of little hands.

We will be suggesting using playdough in our home learning so why not have a go at making some.

Here is a simple recipe to make playdough at home.

Home Learning – 08.01.21


Today we are finally going to read our new story!  Watch using the link below.

Who are the characters in the story? Can you draw and describe them for me?

Reception – draw the characters and write a label i.e. blue, furry, scary.

Year One – draw the characters and write 5 sentences for each one using an adjective to describe, i.e. The monster has green fur.

Year Two – draw the characters and write 5 sentences for each one using an expanded noun phrase to describe, i.e. The monster has fluffy, green fur. Don’t forget to use a comma to separate your adjectives.



Reception – Today we are learning the phoneme v. Can you write it in the air? Can you write it on some paper?


Have a go at reading these words:

R fri wk1

Now try to sound and blend these sentences:

R fri wk1 sentences

When you have finished, play a game on Phonics Play.

Year One and Two – we are learning alternative spellings for the ‘igh’ phoneme.

Write out the words below and highlight the ‘igh’ phoneme in each one.

1 and 2 fri wk1

Can you read the sentences below. Sound and blend them if you need to. Can you find the ‘igh’ phonemes?

1 and 2 fri wk1 sentences

When you have finished, play a game on Phonics Play.


From next week we will have an online spellings test through Teams on Friday so here are your words for then:

Year One: here, there, where, friend, school

Year Two: after, again, any, bath, beautiful


Reception – log on to Oxford Owl and read Big Feet. Can you draw around the feet of all the people who live in your house? Whose feet are the biggest and whose are the smallest?

Year One – log onto Oxford Owl and read Leek Hotpot and complete the online activities.

Year Two – log onto Oxford Owl and read The Frog Prince and complete the online activities.


Year One and Two – We are basing our geography this half term on the book ‘Where the Wild Things Are.’ Today’s key question is, how can we find our way to a place we have never visited?

Once you have watched, or read the story, can you consider: how did Max travel to the island? Create a simple map for Max to follow to get to the Wild Things. Use paper with gridlines or draw your own. Draw your own compass with the four points in the corner of your map so that Max knows he is going the right way. What natural features will Max travel through on his way to the Wild Things? I will look forward to seeing your maps. Please do colour them in too as it makes them look so much clearer when you send them over to me too.

Year Two – Now you have drawn your maps and set the path, can you use your compass directions to write a route for Max to follow?

There is a nice video from the BBC on maps that I’ve added to help you out a little bit more.


End of the day.  I’ll schedule a quick Teams call with everyone to see how the week has gone so far.  Reception yours will be at 2:30pm, Year One at 2:45pm and Year Two at 3:00pm. I hope you can all attend as it was lovely to see some of you online today.


Reception – can you try to make 5?  How many ways can you make this? Can you use objects or draw shapes to do this?   Remember to use all numbers from 0 to 5.

There are some lovely ideas here if you need some maths inspiration:


Year One and Two – today we are finding and making number bonds. Remember a number bond is a pair of numbers that when added together make a total.  So 1 + 4 = 5, 2 + 3 = 5 and so on.


Don’t forget there are Teams meetings scheduled for the end of the day to check how you have all gotten on this week. I hope to see you all then.  Please check your Class Dojos for times.