Friday 12/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone! This week has been a special week as we have had two birthdays over the last few days. To celebrate we are going to have ‘Fun Friday’. It would be great if you do these activities as we are going to do them at Nursery too.



Find some paper and make yourself a ‘birthday hat’. Don’t forget to decorate it!




Once you have made your hat, choose and put on an outfit for ‘Fun Friday’ Then put on your hat too!



Now you’re all ready can you sign and sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to your friends?



For phonics today (Letters and Sounds) try: Animal sounds:

Provide a variety of animal puppets or toys and a range of instruments (if you don’t have any use wooden spoons for beaters and some pasta in tubs for shaker). Encourage the
children to play with the instruments and the animals. Discuss matching sounds to the
animals. Give a choice of two instruments to represent a child’s chosen animal and ask
the children to choose which sound is the better fit: Which one sounds most like the
mouse? What do you think, David?




Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing some photos of your activities from this week.


Seaside Cafe

Yesterday the children and grown – ups worked really hard turning the little playhouse into a Seaside Cafe. We still have a few finishing touches to do but we think it looks great!

Thursday 11/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello, I can’t believe it’s Thursday again!


Here are today’s suggested activities.


Using the ‘Whatever Next’ video can you re-enact the story? Have you got a colander that you can wear on your head? Do you have an owl teddy that you could use? Get someone to take some photos of you acting out the story.



For phonics today we are going to look at the ‘e’ sound. Listen to Jolly Phonics on YouTube, paying particular attention to the ‘e’ song. Get yourself an old paintbrush and some water and practice drawing an ‘e’ on your path, outside wall – anywhere!



Practice the Makaton for ‘story’.



Have a lovely day! Leanne

Wednesday 09/06/2020 Home Learning Suggestions


Good Morning everyone! I hope we have some good weather today!



Here are today’s suggested tasks:


We are still using ‘Whatever Next’ as our focus. Again, please feel free to watch the video again on Class Dojo stories. Today I would like you to find your favourite teddy and a box or bag (backpack / suitcase). Can you put the bear on top of the bag? Can you put the bear under the bag? Can you put the bear next to the bag? Can you put the bear inside the bag? Finally, draw a picture with the bear in one of the above positions.



Phonics (Letters and Sounds): Please note that some activities may be repeated as they help to develop very important skills and there is no harm in repeating them.

Today have a go at a ‘Listening Moment’:

(Taken from

This is an activity that can take place indoors or outdoors.
Remind the children how to be good listeners and invite them to show how good they
are at listening by remembering all the sounds they hear when they listen for a moment.
It may be useful to use a sand timer to illustrate, for example, the passing of half a
minute. Ask them what made each sound and encourage them to try to make the sound


For a bit of movement try this Spiderman dance session.




Have a lovely day! Leanne

Tuesday 09/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good Morning everyone! I hope you enjoyed listening to ‘Whatever Next’ yesterday, it’s a lovely story. Please feel free to watch it again today if you want to.


The following activity links to the story. What would you take to the moon if you were going there in a rocket? Would  you take food or toys? Which ones? Find all of the things that you would take and then ask someone to take a photo of you with the objects. I can’t wait to see what you take.



Today for phonics we are going to look at ‘k’. First practice drawing ‘k’ and then find some old plastic water bottles and draw a ‘k’ on some of them and then different sounds on the other bottles. Once you have done that see how many of the ‘k’ you can knock down. When you knock a ‘k’ down, draw it in your purple sketch book.



When you have finished using the bottles for phonics can you count how many you have? Are they all the same or are some bigger or smaller? Draw some in your purple sketch books.



Next have a watch and a listen of ‘Whatever Next’ using Makaton – what signs can you copy?



Have a lovely day! Leanne

Monday, 8/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Happy Monday everyone I hope you had a lovely weekend!


We had a brilliant first two days back at Nursery. We did rocket paintings on foil, shape rockets and watched videos of different rockets. We also did yoga and played lots of fun phonics games.


Here are today’s suggested learning activities:


Watch the video on Class Dojo – the story is ‘Whatever Next’. It will be on stories from 9am.



Once you have listened to stories make your own rocket….BUT it has to be big!! Use cardboard boxes toilet rolls and more to make a giant rocket.




For phonics today write the sound that comes at the beginning of your name. Now find lots of objects beginning with that sound e.g. My name is Leanne. I found a lemon, a lion and a light. See if you can find five objects and then draw one in your purple sketch book.




Follow this link to do some Cosmic Yoga.



Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Friday 05/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone, we’ve already done our first week of this half term.

Here are the suggested home learning activities for today:


Cut up different shapes e.g squares, rectangles, triangles and circles. Now arrange them to make a picture of a rocket. You could stick your picture into your purple sketch book too.



Watch this video of ‘Five Little Men’ and use your fingers to show the number of men left each time.



See if you can sign the word ‘rocket’ in Makaton.


Have a lovely weekend, Leanne.

Thursday 04/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone.

So, today is the first day back for some of you. We will be having lots of fun. During our days in Nursery we will be doing the same activities as the ones that I set for suggested home learning activities.

From now until the summer holidays we will be doing a few mini topics depending on the interests of the children. Today we are going to start with space and will continue with this for a few days.



Watch this short video of a rocket launch on YouTube.


Once you’ve watched the video see if you can build your own rocket using any blocks or bricks that you have e.g. duplo / lego or sticklebricks.



For phonics today try this Letters and Sounds activity:

Playing with words:
Gather together a set of familiar objects with names that have varying syllable patterns
(e.g. pencil, umbrella, camera, xylophone). Show the objects to your child, name
them and talk about what they are used for. Wait for your child to share some of their
experiences of the objects; for instance, some of them will have used a camera. Then
encourage them to think about how the name of the object sounds and feels as they
say it. Think about the syllables and clap them out as you say each word. Then clap the
syllables for a word without saying it and ask: What object could that be?
As your child gains confidence try some long words like binoculars, telephone, dinosaur.



Find some foil and wrap it around a piece of card to make a foil board. Grab some paints and see if you can paint a rocket.


Don’t forge to send photos to Class Dojo.

Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Nursery is ready!


We are back tomorrow and ready to see our children who we have missed lots!


In line with social distancing our Nursery children will have their own ‘stations’ but we will still be joining together for registration and other activities.


We also have a hand washing station outside and covered areas so that we can enjoy our outdoor area whatever the weather.


We can’t wait to see some of you tomorrow and have some fun together!



Wednesday 03/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions




We will continue with ‘Hamilton’s Hats’ today. Choose your favourite character and make a puppet of them. Use whatever you have at home – paper / card, lollipop sticks, twigs – anything!


As we are looking at ‘Hamilton’s Hats’ see if you can sign ‘hat’ in Makaton with the help of Mr. Tumble and the song ‘The sun has got his hat on’.



For phonics today I would like you to find a:





Once you have found them practice writing a ‘c’ a few times and then draw a picture of your favourite ‘c’ object that you found.



Have a lovely day, Leanne.