Thursday 04/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone.

So, today is the first day back for some of you. We will be having lots of fun. During our days in Nursery we will be doing the same activities as the ones that I set for suggested home learning activities.

From now until the summer holidays we will be doing a few mini topics depending on the interests of the children. Today we are going to start with space and will continue with this for a few days.



Watch this short video of a rocket launch on YouTube.


Once you’ve watched the video see if you can build your own rocket using any blocks or bricks that you have e.g. duplo / lego or sticklebricks.



For phonics today try this Letters and Sounds activity:

Playing with words:
Gather together a set of familiar objects with names that have varying syllable patterns
(e.g. pencil, umbrella, camera, xylophone). Show the objects to your child, name
them and talk about what they are used for. Wait for your child to share some of their
experiences of the objects; for instance, some of them will have used a camera. Then
encourage them to think about how the name of the object sounds and feels as they
say it. Think about the syllables and clap them out as you say each word. Then clap the
syllables for a word without saying it and ask: What object could that be?
As your child gains confidence try some long words like binoculars, telephone, dinosaur.



Find some foil and wrap it around a piece of card to make a foil board. Grab some paints and see if you can paint a rocket.


Don’t forge to send photos to Class Dojo.

Have a lovely day, Leanne.