25/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Happy Monday everyone!

This week we are going to slightly deviate from animals and move to birds as it is the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch!


So today to warm your fingers up, use some paints and your fingers. Fingerprint on some paper to see if you can make the shape of a bird.


For a fun Phonics session practice singing ‘Two Little Dickie Birds’ and use your fingers to be the two birds.


Seeing as we are going to be concentrating on birds we need some binoculars! The easiest way to make them is to use toilet paper insides. Have a look at this link to help.

How to Make Toilet Paper Roll Binoculars (thesprucecrafts.com)

I would love to see some of the binoculars that you have made.


Follow this link and practice some Makaton signing to Three Little Birds.

Makaton CarPark Karaoke – THREE LITTLE BIRDS – Singing Hands – YouTube


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

2 4 U Funding


Did you know at Cheswardine Nursery we can offer 24U Funding?

This scheme offers 15 hours of funded early years education to eligible children (the term after their second birthday). If you think that you might be eligible, or even if you’re not sure take a look at the link below for more information.

24U funding | Shropshire Council

If after reading you think that you are entitled, please get in touch and we will go through what to do next.



22/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Good morning! Happy Friday!!


Find a colander or something with holes in and push some pipe cleaners or string through the holes. This will help you warm up your fingers for the coming day.

Draw a big snake on a big piece of paper or card and cut it out. Draw or cut out and put some different shapes on the snake. What shapes could you use? How many circles/squares/rectangles have you used?


Go to Class Dojo stories for story time and a Phonics session.

Have a good weekend! Leanne.

21/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Good morning!


To warm up your fingers find some beads or cheerios and pipe cleaners or dry spaghetti. Thread the beads or cheerios through the pipe cleaners or spaghetti.


Gather together the different jungle animals that you have. Can you put the stripy ones together?

Can you put the spotty ones together?

Can you put the ones with two legs together?

Can you put the ones with four legs together?



Take a look at Class Dojo stories for story time and a Beat Baby session.


Have a good day!


20/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!

To get your fingers warmed up, choose your favourite jigsaw and see if you can put it all together!


For another activity, use play dough with jungle animals. You can press the jungle animals into the play dough to see if they make any marks. Turn the animal over in the play dough and see what other prints you can make. Can you make your own animal using play dough? How many legs will you need?


For some Maths fun, have a look and see what you have at home e.g. duplo, lego or wooden blocks and use them to make a pattern. Can you make red, blue, red, blue?


Take a look at this for some phonics fun! You will love the different sounds.

Sound Starters (phonicsplay.co.uk)


Check out Class Dojo’s stories for story time.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

19/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!

Here are some activities for today:

To get your fingers working grab those gems, pom poms and stones that you used yesterday and find a pair of tweezers or a peg and see which ones you can pick up without using your fingers.

For another activity today get some paint, paper and jungle animals. Now press the animals onto the paint and then onto the paper. Have a look at the different foot prints. Are they all the same?

Number fun: Can you draw a number 3 in the air?

Can you find three stones?

Can you find three socks?

Can you find three toys?

Can you find three leaves.


Join me on MS Teams for a story and Phonics activity.


18/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Happy Monday! I hope that you had a good weekend.

Here are some activities for today:

To warm your fingers up get some play dough and squeeze it! Then roll it, stretch it, make it into a ball. How many ways can you change the shape of the play dough?

For another activity can you make a snake using wool or string and pasta or beads.

For a bit of maths fun find some small objects like stones, gems or pom poms. How many have you got? What shapes are there? Are they all the same size? Which ones are bigger?

For phonics try this Letters and Sounds activity: (Aspect 1: General sound discrimination: environmental sounds: Listening and Remembering Sounds.) Describe and find it:

Set up a model farmyard. Describe one of the animals but do not tell the child its
name. Say, for example: This animal has horns, four legs and a tail. Ask them to say which animal it is. Ask them to make the noise the animal might make. When they are familiar with the game let them take the part of the adult and describe the animal.

This activity can be repeated with other sets of objects such as zoo animals, toy sets
based on transport (e.g. aeroplane, car, train, bus, boat) and musical instruments. It can
be made more challenging by introducing sets of random objects to describe and name.


Look at stories in Class Dojo’s for story time.

Have a lovely day!



15/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

So, we are back to Friday! I hope  you are all okay after another week.

For our flexi fingers activity today, draw some road lines on a big piece of paper or using some chalk on the garden path and go and find some cars or trucks. Can you drive your vehicles inside the two lines? Is it tricky?

I would also like you to make a jungle animal mask. Choose an animal and then use paper, paints, any craft materials to make a mask. Photos to Class Dojo would be great.

Follow this link for a fun maths activity.

Hidden Jewels (maths.org)


For Phonics today have a go at this activity with a grown up.

Mrs Browning has a box:
Turn a box on its side with the opening facing away from the children. One by one place
between four and six familiar noisy items (e.g. a set of keys, crisp packet, squeaky toy)
into the box, pausing to name them and demonstrate the sound each one makes.
Sing to the tune of ‘Old MacDonald’ but using your own name or the child’s:
Mrs…has a box ee i ee i o
And in that box she has a…
Stop. Gesture and ask the child to listen.
Handle one of the objects in the box, out of sight, to make a noise. The child to guess what is making the sound. Continue the song but imitating the sound using
your voice.
With a zzz zzz here and a zzz zzz there…


Pop onto stories on Class Dojo to hear a story.


Have a lovely weekend! Leanne.

14/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Good morning, I hope you had a good Wednesday.

Here are some activities for today.

To warm your fingers up find those pegs again and this time find a kitchen roll tube. Now see how many pegs you can put onto the kitchen tube.

For your activity today, let’s get moving!

Can you stomp like an elephant?

Can you slither like a snake?

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you flutter like a butterfly?


For some Maths fun today, get your filled basket from yesterday and see if you can find anything that is a square, a circle and a rectangle. Can you draw them or take a photograph of them?


Go to Class Dojo’s where you will find a story time video and a Beat Baby video for Phonics.



13/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Good morning! Happy Wednesday!

Here are some activities for today:

Just for fun – grab some children’s scissors and some old scrap paper and make some snips in the paper. This will help to keep your fingers strong!

For today’s activity, find an old paper plate or a piece of card cut into a circle. Now get your pens, paints, crayons – anything and decorate it.

Then cut into it to make it look like this…Image result for snake paper plate craft Use paper or paints to make the eyes and tongue. Make a super colourful snake with lots of patterns! Send me a photo on Class Dojo, I would love to see your snakes!


For a little bit of number fun find a basket and put lots of objects in. Tell a grown up what is in the basket. How many things are in the basket? How many would there be if you took one away. How many are there now?

Keep this basket of toys ready for tomorrow.

For phonics find two sticks / twigs (anything that can be used as beaters). Now go out into your garden and use the beaters to make some different sounds. Where do you make the best sounds? Is it on a tree or the gate?

Finally, take a look on Class Dojo and listen to today’s story.

