Class 2 Homework Friday 13th November

Hello Class 2,

Here is your homework for this week.

Read to an adult at home and practise your multiplication facts on TT Rockstars.

Log into Purple Mash and complete your 2Do’s. The maths game from last week is there again this week.

Use the link above to log onto BBC Bitesize and complete the activities for using adverbs and adverbial phrases.

Have a good weekend.

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 6th November

Hello Class 2

Here are your homework activities for this week. Log into Purple Mash and complete your 2Do’s.

Y3: Read Chapter 6 of Alien Hotel, complete the quiz and the character comparison.

Y4: Read Chapter 6 of Just the Beginning, complete the quiz and book review.

Y5: Read Chapter 6 of Leaping Hare, complete the quiz and book review.

All year groups: Dividers 2Do – using factors to divide. Start at the easy level and work up.

Have a good weekend,

Mr. Church