Class 2 Home Learning Wednesday 1st July

Good Morning Class 2.

Looking forward to seeing some of you in school today. Hope the rest of you are all fit and well. Here are your learning activities for today.


Year 3: Recognise and describe 3D shapes.

Year 3-Lesson 3 – Recognise and describe 3D shapes

Year 3-Lesson 3 Answers – Recognise and describe 3D shapes

Year 4: Introducing Line Graphs.

Year 4-Lesson 3 – Introducing line graphs

Year 4-Lesson 3 Answers – Introducing line graphs

Year 5: Calculate angles on straight lines.

Year 5-Lesson 3 – Calculating angles on a straight line

Year 5-Lesson 3 Answers – Calculating angles on a straight line


Year 3: Learn how to use prefixes to change the meaning of words.

Year 4: Learn how to use suffixes to change the meaning of words.

Year 5: Learn how to write adverts and brochures using comedy.


PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.


Log into Duolingo: and complete Lesson 3 of your Travel assignment. Revisit Lessons 1 & 2 and try to work for 30 minutes to collect your 75XP bonus.


Enjoy a story from The World’s Worst Children by David Walliams.

Have a great day.

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26th June

Good Morning Class 2,

Here are your learning activities for today.

As it’s Friday, time for the next Family Friday Challenge. Work independently to complete as many questions as you can and then work as a family to try and complete the challenge.




June 27th sees the start of London Climate Change Week. One of greatest contributors towards climate change is plastics pollution. Learn about how plastic is affecting the planet through this reading comprehension.


Text and questions are differentiated so I suggest one star for Y3, two star for Y4 and three star for Y5.


PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.


Learn about plastics and sustainability with this activity.

Have a great day and i may see some of you next week.


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 25th June

Good Morning Class 2. Looking forward to seeing some of you in school today. For those of you who can’t make it, here are the learning activities that we will be doing today.


White Rose Maths Summer Term Week 9 (w/c 22nd June)

Year 3: Parallel and Perpendicular lines.

Year 3-Lesson 4 – Parallel and perpendicular

Year 3-Lesson 4 Answers – Parallel and perpendicular

Year 4: Solve problems with money-four operations.

Year 4-Lesson 4 – Four operations

Year 4-Lesson 4 Answers – Four operations

Year 5: Divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

Year 5-Lesson 4 – Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000

Year 5-Lesson 4 Answers -Dividing decimals by 10 100 and 1000


Years 3,4 & 5 Get your creative juices flowing by taking part in the National Writing Day Challenge.

You can also take part in the #247 Challenge here:

You can turn your story into a poster with some amazing illustrations to accompany your text.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


Log into Duolingo and work through Lesson 2 of your Travel Assignment.

Try to spend 30 minutes upskilling on Lesson 2 to achieve your 75XP Goal.

Have a great day.

Mr Church.

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 19th June

Good Morning Class 2

Here are your activities for today. Hopefully I will see some of you at school next week.


Family Friday Challenge. I don’t think we’ve done this one before. See how many of the questions you can complete independently then work together as a family to complete the rest of the challenge.





Year 3: Alliteration. Learn about alliteration and use it to create a poem.                 

Year 4: Rhyming in Poetry. Learn about rhyme and rhyme schemes                        

Year 5: Writing Narrative Poems. Learn how to write poems that tell a story.           


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9:00am or catch up later in the day.


Learn about the past, present and future of electricity with celebrity supply teacher, Tez Ilyas.


In recent weeks we have seen the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement and many demonstrations against racism have taken place at home and in countries all over the world. Explore what “Black Lives Matter” really means.

Study the poster above using the following resources.


Read through the experience of American author Shola Richards. What can it teach us about the effects of racism on his daily life?


You could design and make your own poster to show what “Black Lives Matter” means to you.

Have a great day and stay safe.


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday18th June

Good Morning Class 2. I hope you are all fit and well. Hopefully all the links will work today after sorting out the problem from last week. Here are your learning activities for today.


Year 3:

Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15th June Lesson 4 Calculate Perimeter.

Year 3-Lesson 4 – Calculate perimeter 2019-51198

Year 3-Lesson 4 Answers – Calculate perimeter 2019-11116

Year 4: Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15th June Lesson 4 Efficient Subtraction

Year 4-Lesson 4 – Efficient subtraction 2019-12279

Year 4-Lesson 4 Answers – Efficient subtraction 2019-25712

Year 5: Summer Term Week 8 w/c 15th June Lesson 4 Use Line Graphs to Solve Problems

Year 5-Lesson 4 – Use line graphs to solve problems 2019-49324

Year 5-Lesson 4 Answers – Use line graphs to solve problems 2019-97501


Year 3 Nonsense Poetry. Explore what Nonsense Poetry is and try writing your own nonsense poems. This builds on work we did earlier in the year from Curriculum Visions.

Year 4 Learning a Poem off by Heart. Develop your understanding of a poem by learning parts of it off by heart.

Year 5 Writing Nonsense Poems. Learn how to write your own Nonsense poems.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9:00am or catch up later in the day.

You could also try a warm up with Marcus Rashford here


Log into Duolingo to begin your new assignment on Travel.

Work on Lesson 1 for 30 minutes to earn your 75 points bonus. As you keep revisiting Lesson 1, you will also upskill your level.

Have a great day

Mr Church.