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Class 3 home learning 8.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Don’t forget about our teams meeting at 10:30 this morning! Here are your lessons for today:


Warm up those big brains on TT Rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then, challenge yourself on the 13 – 24 Times tables sheet!

Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at these questions: Fractions on a number line

Check your answers once you’ve finished: Answer sheet


Complete the ‘box the word’ 2do on purple mash in which you will be converting nouns and adjectives into verbs using suffixes!

When you’ve completed that, here is a reading comprehension for you to do: Planet Earth Comprehension

When you have completed your comprehension, check your answers (No cheating): Planet Earth Answers

Spellings: Here are your new spellings which I will test you on next Friday! Week 1 spellings


Our good friend Joe Wicks is delivering a live PE lesson at 9am today but if that’s too early for you, you can stream it on youtube whenever you like!


We’re going to do some revision on greeting in French today, so log in to your duolingo account and complete the 4 lessons I have assigned you.

Please continue to read on fiction express and complete the 2do’s on purple mash once you have completed these lessons!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all at 10:30!

Have a great day of learning and fab weekend!

Miss France

Class 3 home learning 7.1.21

Good morning Class 3! You made it through y our first day of home learning, go you!


Please continue practising TTrockstars, this daily practise will help across all of your maths work, even if you think you don’t need it!

Have another go at this: 13 – 24 Times tables See if you can beat yesterday’s score! Keep a note of your scores so you can see the progress you are making!

Today’s white rose is on improper fractions, here the video to watch first:

Once you’ve watch the video have a go at these questions: Improper fractions worksheet

When you’ve completed the worksheet it is time to check your answers, please be honest and mark your work accurately: Answer sheet


Following on from yesterday’s plan, I would like you to write the first draft of your Christmas recount. I don’t mind if you want to type this up and send it to me attached to an email or write it by hand and send me a photo of it. Both are completely fine. Please ensure you are using:

  1. High-level vocabulary
  2. Paragraphs
  3. Conjunctions to link sentences
  4. Figurative language

I’m looking forward to reading them!


Please read on fiction express everyday and complete the quizzes as you go!


In RE this term, we are going to be learning about Islam. Islam is a beautiful and widely practised religion, so it’s important for us to understand! Here is your lesson for today. Using the information you learn in today’s RE lesson, I would like you to begin making a powerpoint presentation about Islam. Each week you will add more information to your powerpoint presentation as you continue to learn about Islam.


Please log on to charanga yumu and complete the first lesson I have sent you based on Three Little Birds by Bob Marley! (Shut the door is you have adults/siblings working from home, you wouldn’t want to disturb them).

As always, please contact me if you have any questions!

Have a great day!

Miss France


Class 3 home learning 6.1.21

Good morning class 3! Welcome to day 1 of home learning! Before you start, I would like everyone to send me an email via your outlook accounts. If you haven’t responded to the teams meeting invitation please do so!


To begin with I have attached everyone’s favourite multiplication tables challenge, if you can print it off; great, if not don’t worry, just have a go on a piece of paper! Don’t forget to set a timer for 5 minutes!

13 – 24 Times tables

Can you also challenge a friend on times table rockstars?

Once you’ve done that, I would like you to watch this video on how to simplify fractions:

Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at this worksheet: Simplify fractions

When and ONLY when you’ve finished, check your work using the answer sheet: Answers


Tomorrow you will be writing a recount of what you got up to over Christmas! For today’s lesson I would like you to plan and remind yourself using the mind map sheet. Please focus on interesting adjectives and plan which cohesive devices you would like to include.

Reading: Please read a chapter on fiction express and complete the following quiz!


In science we are going to be studying the human body, today’s first lesson is looking at the human organs and understand why we need them. Click here to go to the lesson.


Luckily for you, Joe Wicks is doing PE lessons again! Thanks Joe! His lessons are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday just click here to go to Joe’s youtube page.

Once you’ve completed these lessons you can practise your weekly spellings and log on to purple mash and complete your weekly 2do’s. Spellings will be tested every Friday in a live teams meeting!

Please send photographs of you work to me directly either via email or class dojo, alternatively you can upload your work to your ‘portfolio’ on classdojo if you prefer. It is important that we stay motivated and try our best even when working from home!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! See you on teams at 11:30am!

Miss France

Class 3 Teams Meeting Catch up

Hello Class 3! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and a happy new year!

Before we kick off with home learning, I wanted to have a chat with you about what you’ve been up to and what you’re expected to do over the next coming weeks!

So you’re first task, is to log in to your emails and find the invitation I have sent you to a meeting on microsoft teams. If you have downloaded the microsoft teams app; great, if not do not worry it still works through the web page.

It’s really important that everyone attends the video meeting as I will be explaining what you will be doing over the coming weeks.

Tomorrow’s work will be live at 8:30am, please make a start on the work prior to our meeting and feedback to me if  you’re struggling to access or do anything!

As always, please message me via class dojo or send me an email if you have any questions!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hi Class 3! Sorry for the delay in posting, I was experiencing some technical difficulties with the website!

Here’s your homework for this week, due in on Friday the 4th of December:

  • Practice spellings Weekly Spellings Sheet – cial
  • Complete 2do’s on purple mash
  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete quiz
  • Continue working through duolingo

Thanks everyone!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello Class 3! We’ve hit the ground running this week!

Your homework this week is due in on Friday the 13th and is as follows:

  • Complete the next module on duolingo.
  • Practice weekly spellings: Week 2 Autumn 2
  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete a quiz.
  • Complete purple mash activities.

Thank you for a brilliant forest school session this afternoon, lots of den building, problem solving and general fun!

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