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Tuesday 30/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!



We are continuing with our ‘Fabulous Food Week’. Today we are going to make some flapjacks. Here’s a nice easy idea with just four ingredients.

  • 4 bananas (mine weighed around 460g when peeled)
  • 120g peanut butter (I use a creamy peanut butter) – it can be smooth or crunchy.
  • 250g gluten free oats
  • 125g chocolate chips

Preheat your oven to 160C Fan / 180C. Line a 8x8inch square tin.

Mash your bananas in a large bowl, till fairly smooth.

Mix in your peanut butter. If your peanut butter is a little firm make sure you give it a good mix before adding it in, or even briefly pop it in the microwave to help break it down.

Stir in your oats until combined.

Mix in around 105g of your chocolate chips.

Spread your mixture into your tin, try and get it nice and level.

Add your extra chocolate chips to the top.

Place in the oven for around 15 minutes.

Remove and allow to cool before cutting into bars. Enjoy!

I would love to see some photos of your flapjacks.


Drum outdoors:
Give your child a beater or make drumsticks, for example from short pieces of dowel.
Encourage the children to explore the outdoor area and discover how different sounds
are made by tapping or stroking, with their beaters, a wooden door, a wire fence, a metal slide etc.
Ask your child to demonstrate their favourite sound.


Take a look at:

to do some yoga with the Yak from Zootropolis.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.


Monday 29/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend. Today is a strange day for me as I have children in on a Monday! We are having a ‘Fabulous Food Week’ this week.


Here are today’s Home Learning suggestions:


Grab lots of magazines or papers that have food pictures in and find a paper plate or cut out / draw a big circle. Now have a look through the magazines and find any healthy foods. Cut out the healthy foods and stick them onto the plate. You have made a healthy plate!




For phonics today look at the healthy foods you have found and see if you can hear the first sound in the word e.g. banana begins with b. Do it for four of the healthy foods and then write / copy the sounds into your purple sketch book.





As we have done a healthy paper plate see if you can sign the word ‘healthy’.



Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Friday 26/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning, Friday is here again!



Here are today’s activities:

Get your paints out! Find a big piece of paper or card and paint a rainbow. Once you have painted your rainbow and it has dried, ask a grown up to help write the names of your friends on it. They can be friends from any group – not just your Nursery friends. Once it is finished send a photo on Class Dojo.



For Phonics today go to and play the game ‘Sound Starters’. See if you can guess what the sounds are!



Now get some chalk and draw a giant rainbow on your garden path. See if you can jump over your rainbow. How many steps do you need to get from one end to the other? If you lie down on it is it longer than you?



Have a lovely weekend, Leanne.


Thursday 25/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!!


Our activity this morning is to think about one of your friends at Nursery. Why are they your friend? Why do you like them? Are they kind? Are they funny? Next, draw a picture of them.


For our Makaton activity today try signing this song ‘You’ve Got a Friend’.



For phonics today: Can you draw a rabbit, a rainbow, a robot and a ring? Then practice drawing your ‘r’s in your purple sketch book.

Now learn this song ‘Ring a Ring o Roses’ with some new verses.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Wednesday 24/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning, we’re half way through the week already!


Here are today’s activities:

Ask a grown up to do this activity with you. Your grown up will need to blindfold you. Once blindfolded they should give you instructions such as take one step forward / take two steps back. See where you end up! Then, swap around and you should give your grown up some instructions. Where will you send them?!



Now draw around your hands and then cut them out. Colour one of them in and then colour in the other one for a friend – which friend would you do it for? See if a grown up can help you write their name and then send a photo through Class Dojo.



For phonics today: We have done this activity before but repetition is very important in developing children’s phonics skills.

Enlivening stories: Involve the children in songs and stories, enlivened by role-play, props and repeated sounds, for example acting out:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).


I hope you enjoy the activities.

Have a lovely day, Leanne.



Tuesday 23/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!



Today we will continue with our short topic of ‘Friends’. Here is the activity:

Draw a body shape (like the template below):

Then think about one of your friends at Nursery. What colour is their hair? Can you remember the colour of their eyes? What type of clothes do they wear? Now colour in the body template to make it look like your chosen friend. Do more than one if you want to and then send a photo over Class Dojo and then we can add it to the ones that your friends at Nursery have made.



Now try to sign ‘friend’ in Makaton.




For phonics today, still thinking about your friends at Nursery ask somebody to write some of your friends names on a piece of paper. Talk through the names and see if you can recognise anybody’s name. Then, go through two names and see if you can name any of the sounds.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Monday 22/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone! So we’re back for another week (hopefully with lots of sun). I hope you had a lovely weekend in between rain showers. Today is looking like a nice day so far, let’s hope it stays the same.


Here are your suggested home learning activities for today:



This week our short topic is ‘Friends’. Throughout this week the children and I will be sending pictures or videos to our friends from Nursery who are at home. So….can you make a video or ask someone to take a photo of you and send it through Class Dojo’s as we are really missing all of our friends who aren’t here.




For phonics today, make the most of the sun and go outside and find some different objects. When you have found as many as you want, talk about what they are and see if you know what sound the object begins with. Then draw some of them.




Finally, if it is still sunny, go for a walk and see what birds you can see / hear. What animals are in the fields? Did you see many cars? What colour were they?



Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Friday 19/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!


Here are today’s suggested home learning activities.


Go into your garden and find some big stones. Paint on different things like stars, the moon and planets.



For phonics today draw things that begin with ‘h’ Draw:

horse, house,hat,hammer,hen.

Once you’ve drawn these practice writing ‘h’ as many times as you can fit it on the page.




For something physical go outside and just run! Run around the obstacles in your garden – just run and have fun!




Have a lovely weekend. I am hoping that the sun will be shining!


Thursday 18/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!



Today we are going to make telescopes so that we can look the stars and moon.

 Here is an example.




For phonics today let’s try rhyming puppets:

Make up silly rhyming names for a pair of puppets or cuddly toys (e.g. Fizzy Wizzy Lizzy and Hob Tob Bob). Introduce the puppets to a small group and invite them to join in story telling, leaving gaps for the children to fill in rhyming words, for example:
Are you poorly Lizzy? Oh dear.
Fizzy Wizzy Lizzy is feeling sick and…dizzy.
Bob is very excited. Today he is going to be a builder.
Hob Tob Bob has got a new…job.




Next have a go at signing some different space themed words.



Have a lovely day!


Wednesday 17/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone!



Today let’s make some planets! Use the following link for ideas.



For phonics today draw ‘r’ on some balls and then some other letters on more balls. Then draw an ‘r’ on one bucket and leave the other blank. Now choose a ball and throw it into the right bucket, e.g if you find a ball with an ‘r’ on throw it into the ‘r’ bucket.


For a relaxing activity try some frog breathing.

  1. Sit in frog position with your feet and hands on the floor.
  2. Breathe in deeply through your nose and pay attention to the way your stomach expands, just like a frog’s belly when they breathe.
  3. Breathe out through your nose and pay attention to how your stomach shrinks.
  4. Repeat until you feel really calm!



Have a lovely day!


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