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Daily Mile

Today Class One (and Nursery) completed their first Daily Mile. Unfortunately the grass was too wet to run around so we ran, jogged and walked our way around the playground instead!  We hope to do this every day as a way of promoting health, exercise and fitness into our school routine.

Supporting your children’s remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Click below for the Government’s updated top tips for supporting your child during remote education. See additional links for information about the Reading Well booklist that supports mental health, how to find your local library and the services they offer, and online support for parents and carers to keep children and young people safe from online harm.

Supporting your children’s remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Star of the Month!!

I am very proud of everyone’s hard work so far. Every month I will be announcing star of the month. Keep a look out this week to see who will be announced as my star of the month for January!


See the source image

2 4 U Funding


Did you know at Cheswardine Nursery we can offer 24U Funding?

This scheme offers 15 hours of funded early years education to eligible children (the term after their second birthday). If you think that you might be eligible, or even if you’re not sure take a look at the link below for more information.

24U funding | Shropshire Council

If after reading you think that you are entitled, please get in touch and we will go through what to do next.



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