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Nursery News

We have had a busy couple of weeks since we got back from our Easter break.
We have had lots of fun outside in the sunny weather.
We had a brilliant time on our first ever trip with Class One. We went to the Safari Park and saw lots of different animals. We really liked the friendly giraffe and the lion that wouldn’t move!
We have also been working really hard on our outside area and had lots of help with it during the school Big Spring Clean. Thank you to everybody who helped paint, wash our outdoor toys and made a new reading hut. Our outdoor area looks amazing. Our next project for outside is to make a barefoot walk. We will post lots of pictures when we make a start!!
Leanne, Claire, Lisa and Sue.


  • Don’t forget to use our Wow board. We really enjoy reading and talking about what the children have done.
  • Please remember that we have a Nursery library where children are encouraged to borrow books to take home and share with parents and carers.
  • We also have a suggestions / comments box in the foyer where parents and carers are encouraged to write down any suggestions or comments that they have regarding any aspect of Nursery.
  • Please check out our Facebook page and don’t forget to like and share our page so that more people can learn about our Nursery.
  • Please don’t forget to use when shopping online. By using this page online you will be raising valuable funds for our Nursery at no extra cost to yourself.
  • We would like to remind all parents / carers that children need coats and wellies (all clearly named) for outdoor play and learning activities, as well as a clearly named bag containing a spare set of clothes for Nursery as we provide ‘Messy play’ daily
  • As it is Summer Term all children are expected to bring a cap to Nursery as without one they will have to play in the woods at lunch time.

Thank you.

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