
Thank you and well done to everyone who made a scarecrow for us to display at school. There were lots of inventive ones including a tigger scarecrow!

Lots of people enjoyed looking at the scarecrows over the wet and windy weekend!

Class 3 homework

Hello class 3!

Here is your homework for this week. I do expect you to complete everything by Friday.

  • Read a chapter on fiction express and complete a quiz.
  • Complete the 2do’s set on purple mash.
  • Practice timetables on TTrockstars.
  • Practise spellings Week 5 Spellings

Email me to let me know that you have completed your homework.

Have a great weekend!

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Hello Class 3!

This week’s homework is as follows:

  • Practice spelling words: Week 3 5 & 6
  • Complete assigned tasks on purple mash.
  • Practice multiplication tables on TTRockstars.
  • Read a chapter on fiction express (keep collecting your sponsor money!)

If you have any problems logging onto any of the online learning websites please just drop me an email and I’ll do my best to help you!

Have a great weekend,

Miss France

Class 3 homework

Good afternoon!

Homework for Class 3 this week is as follows:

  • Practice spellings Y5-6 2nd week
  • 2 Purple Mash activities Purple Mash Logins
  • Practice multiplication tables using TTRockstars
  • Read one chapter on fiction express

Usually I would assign a task on purplemash, but I am currently experiencing some technical difficulties with regards to moving the children’s profiles to class 3!

The children have been set up with personal emails they can access through hotmail. I would like the children to send me an email over the weekend if they haven’t already so we can confirm that their account is active and working properly!

My email address is:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me via class dojo, some parent’s do need to link up to class dojo in order to contact me.

Have a great weekend,

Miss France