Class 1 home learning tasks – Tuesday 28th April

Here are your tasks for today:


Phonics oa oo- Watch the learning video on dojos class story then complete the game on purple mash.

Maths- Go out in your garden for half an hour and do a mini-beast survey for the 6 mini-beasts on the purple mash picture graph. Use the information you have found to complete the chart on purple mash. You may need to stay out longer if the creatures are being shy!!

English – Read the simple sentences in the link. minibeasts simple sentences to read and write.   

When you get to the end, choose your favourite mini-beast from the support card. Can you remember what you read about it? Can you re-write a sentence or two about that mini-beast in your book. Don’t forget a photo!

Art – Threading pattern. Watch the learning video on dojos class story for a demonstration.

Year 1:

Phonics wh ph- Watch the learning video on dojos class story then complete the game on purple mash.

Maths- Go out in your garden for half an hour and do a mini-beast tally chart survey for the 6 mini-beasts on the purple mash picture graph. Create your tally chart in your book then use the information you have found to complete the chart on purple mash. You may need to stay out longer if the creatures are being shy!!

English – Read ‘Anna and the Third Leaf’ Chapter 1. You may need some help to read some of the words. Then see if you can solve the jig-saw puzzle from the story on purple mash.

Art – Threading pattern. Watch the learning video on dojos class story for a demonstration.

Year 2:

Spelling Rules ‘dz’- Watch the learning video on dojos class story then complete the quiz on purple mash. Finally ask your adult to read aloud the dictation on the link for you to write out in your book. Try to remember the spelling rules for the words you have been learning about today. Year 2 Dictations ge j

Maths- Go out in your garden for half an hour and do a mini-beast tally chart survey for the 8 mini-beasts on the purple mash picture graph. Create your tally chart in your book then use the information you have found to complete the chart on purple mash. Don’t forget to give your chart a title in the text box. You may need to stay out longer if the creatures are being shy!!

English – Complete the writing activities in this link for Ned the detectives chapter 2 in your work book. Ned the detectives Chapter 2 activities

Art – Threading pattern. Watch the learning video on dojos class story for a demonstration.