Class 2 03.12 work from home




Please watch the video linked to your year group. The worksheet can be found underneath the video.

Year 3:

Aut3.6.2 – Spot the pattern – making it explicit from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.



Year 4:

Spr3.7.5 – Compare lengths from White Rose Maths on Vimeo.






Year 3:

Today, you can complete this grammar task. Year 3 grammar task


Year 4:

Today, you can complete this grammar task.



I have given you a choice of different PE skills and lessons. They get more energetic as you go down the list.

Harry Potter Yoga

Coordination with ball skill – You don’t need a ball, just a pair of socks!

Just Dance – Ghost busters


Extra tasks:

TT rockstars

Hit the button – Number bonds and Timetables

Purple Mash

You could also practise your handwriting by writing out your letters or writing this sentence – The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.