Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 14th May

Good Morning Class 2

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the short Bank Holiday break.

Here are your learning activities for today.


Continuing with White Rose Maths Summer Term Week 4 Lesson 4

Watch the introductory videos and then complete the corresponding activities

Year 3 Multiplication and division problem solving -Scaling worksheet activity

Year 3 Lesson 4 Scaling

Year 3 Lesson 4 Answers Scaling

Year 4 Area counting squares

Year 4 Lesson 4 Counting Squares

Year 4 Lesson 4 Answers Counting squares

Year 5 Compare and order fractions less than one

Year 5 Lesson 4 Compare and order fractions less than 1

Year 5 Lesson 4 Answers Compare and order fractions less than 1

For more information and some extra practise on today’s maths activities you can also visit BBC Bitesize.


Log into Purple Mash

Have a go at revealing the poem in Example 13 of Developing Tray. It is called: The Kitten and has been set as a 2Do

Have a look at these Picture News Activities. There is Virtual Assembly to watch and participate with.

Read through the Picture News newspaper and discuss some of the stories with an adult at home.

Picture News Paper – 11th May

Read through  the article above on the Starlink Project and then Resource 1 and 2. Discuss the questions posed with a member of your family?. How do you think space should be protected? Or do you think we should be able to use space as we like?

Write a report on what is happening in space and whether you think it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Picture News Resource 1 – 11th May Picture News Resource 2 – 11th May


PE with Joe on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.

MFL French

Log into and complete Lesson 4 of Basics 2

Have a good day.

Mr Church