Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 23rd April

Design a dragon St George’s Day Information Powerpoint Year 5 St George’s Day Reading Comprehension Year 3 & 4 St George’s Day Reading Comprehension

Good Morning Class 2.

I hope you all had a good rest over the Easter break and are all fit and well.

For Maths this term we are going to be using resources from White Rose Maths which you started on Monday with Mrs Tomkinson, learning about fractions and decimals. Today, I would like you to complete Lesson 4. Do the starter and watch the introductory video. Get the activity and work through the questions. When completed, ask an adult to mark your work using the “Get the Answers” tab. Go over anything you got wrong by looking back at the video and working through any corrections together.

Year 3: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4 – Order Fractions

Year 4: Summer Term Week 1 Lesson 4 – Order Decimals

Year 5: Summer Term Lesson 1 – Adding Decimals Crossing the Whole


Today is St George’s Day. Use the link at the top of the page to access the St George’s Day Information Powerpoint. Read through this then access the relevant Reading Comprehension for your Year group. Year 3: choose between the one star or two star activity. Year 4: choose between the two star or three star activity. The answers are included at the end so don’t cheat and ask an adult to help you mark your work when you have completed the questions.

Get Creative!

Open the link to the Design a dragon activity. Choose one of the dragon’s to colour in as creatively as you wish. You might want to use paints or collage if you have any craft materials or a mixture of media. Give your dragon a name and write a few sentences to describe its special powers. When your dragon is complete take a photograph of it and ask your parent/carer to post it onto Class Dojo. I will then take a look at them and choose my favourite three for a special mention next week.


PE with Joe – 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.


Log into Duolingo and complete Greetings Lessons 1 & 2. I have discovered that you can earn extra point by revisiting lessons and progressing through different levels. If you completed Basics 1 but only did each lesson once, try returning to it and completing the lessons again. Each time they will be slightly more challenging as you move up the levels. Give it a go.

Have a good day.

Mr Church