Class 2 Homework 12.11.21

Hello Class 2


This week I would like you to label the Ukulele. Everyone has been given a sheet however, if you need another you can find it linked here.

Year 3 – This week you can take a break from TT rockstars and instead have a go at Hit the Button. All of year 3 have really enjoyed this game and it’s a great way to practise your maths. Please can you practise your number bonds to 20 – to get to this, press Play Game, Number Bonds and then Make 20. I will be checking your knowledge next week.

Year 4 – This week you can take a break from TT rockstars. Please use Hit the Button to practise your times tables. You all know which timetables you should be practising.

Read at home and note down your pages in your Reading Diary.

Have a wonderful week.

Miss Gray