Class 2 Homework 17.09.21

Hello Class 2


This week, we have been looking at the secret garden Lenny discovers in our class book ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’. We have been looking at how you can use extra details to create a really good piece of descriptive writing.

Therefore, I would like you to draw and describe your own gardens at home. You need to include interesting adjectives to describe objects. You also need to use prepositions (under, on, inside, next to, amongst) to give your writing more detail.

Everyone has been given the template for this homework, however it is linked here if you would like to print it out.

I look forward to reading about your gardens!

Continue to practise your times tables on TT rockstars. Log in and practise at least 2 times this week.

Please continue to read with an adult every night and record this in your school diary.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Gray