Class 3 home learning tasks 30.3.20

Good morning everyone! Welcome to week 2 of home learning!

Maths: Today’s task is on quadrants and co-ordinates!

Quadrants 1a

Quadrants 5a

Quadrants 9a


Passive Verbs 1a

Passive Verbs 5a

Passive Verbs 9a

Geography/Design Activity: This week you will be working on a project based around the discovery of a new and exciting island! Today you will be choosing the location of your island either using an atlas or google maps. I have attached further instructions for this task and the worksheets you are required to complete! If you don’t have access to a printer please just do the written work in your blue exercise books.

Island Discovery Instructions

Island Design Sheet

Hopefully you have all been able to get out of the house for some form of exercise each day. With this in mind I have attached an activity you could do one your daily walk! Please share any pictures of your activities and work on class dojo!

Please continue working through your CGP books, completing the activities on purple mash, TT Rockstars, fiction express, duolingo and of course continue with P.E with Joe every morning!

Have a brilliant day! I hope you are all working hard and helping around the house!

Miss France