Friday 01/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Well….it’s Friday and we are into May already!

The weather has taken a turn for the worse but the sun keeps trying to poke through so hopefully the weekend will be a sunny one!

Here are today’s suggested activities:

When I go to the beach I always make a sandcastle but….I usually forget my flag to go on top! Could you please make a flag that would go on top of your sandcastle. You can use paper and crayons or some craft materials. Make it with whatever you want! Do you think the flag that you have made would stand up in sand?



Use the Letters and Sounds document to play ‘Describe and Find it’  page 11 (use any animals – farm, zoo etc). Link below:



Use the shapes that you made yesterday to make a picture. Colour them in (if not on coloured paper)  and then glue them into your book to make a picture.



Relax and have a listen to a lovely story on Cbeebies:


I hope you enjoy these activities. Have a lovely weekend.
