Friday 02/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone! So…we’ve come to another Friday. The last day of this term before Easter!

Did you have a look at any wildlife videos yesterday? They looked very interesting!

I have a new photo of the egg – something is happening!! Do you still think you know what it is? Draw a new picture in your sketch book of what you think it might be now.

Today’s suggestions are:

Join in with ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ story. This takes place at 10:30am today so you will need to register before then and follow the instructions. Use this link to register:

Go onto YouTube and search for Singing Hands and have a go at learning how to sign one of their songs.

Use the card and Easter stickers that were provided in your pack to make an Easter card.

Somebody has been in my garden! Can you find all of the eggs? How many are there? Can you see any colours or shapes? Write about the eggs in your purple sketch book and then please design your own egg – one that you would like to get!


You will have to look really closely at the second picture!!

I will add a mini project on here later for the Easter holiday if you should wish to do it.


Have a really lovely and relaxed Easter holiday!
