Friday 22/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hi everyone, this is the last day of this half term so today will be the last post of suggested activities until Monday the 1st of June.


So….here we go…

I know some of you will be missing your friends – just like we are all missing you, so today draw pictures of your friends in your purple sketch book. See if you can also copy their names underneath. What sounds are in your friends names? Do you recognise any?



For phonics today find an old paintbrush and some water and practice drawing ‘o’ on your garden path. Once you have done it on the path why not draw it on the wall of the house (outside of course!)? What else could you use to draw ‘o’ in different places – what about chalk, paint? Could you make an ‘o’ with play dough. I would love to see some photos of the different ways that you can do an ‘o’.



Have a go at ‘Five Little Firemen’ using Makaton.



When we come back for the last half term of the academic year I may see some of you, I may not. Rest assured suggested home learning activities will still be added and I will still keep in contact with you all regularly. Have a lovely half term (I would love to see photos of anything that you do over the break) and see you soon!

