Friday 27/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

So….it’s Friday! We have got to the end of the week!

Today’s activity suggestions are very practical.

I hope that you are all still doing some type of physical activity every day – has anybody tried the dance class with Oti yet? I’d love to see some videos.Tomorrow the dance is based on the Jungle book.

Make the most of the sun and go outside and find anything you have to make an obstacle course. You could use patio chairs, slides, clothes dryers – anything you can find! Again, photos or videos would be great!

Today on Instagram at 2pm there is an art club. You will need cardboard, recycling, glue, tape and scissors to participate. Just search for emma_scottchild on Instagram.

Finally, watch Jolly Phonics (Phase One) on YouTube and then practise drawing a ‘s’. You can do this in sand, soil or shaving foam – it doesn’t have to be pens and papers. Then go on a hunt and see if you can find any objects beginning with ‘s’. In your purple sketch book please draw some of these objects.

Have a lovely weekend!
