Home Learning – 14.01.21

Good morning. Thank you to those who joined me for Phonics yesterday, it was lovely to see you all. Let’s have a go at joining together on Teams for English today. Reception can you join me at 11:00, Years One and Two at 11:30 please.

If you enjoyed your work out song yesterday morning, you can find more dance videos over at:


If you find a new favourite, drop me a Dojo message to tell me which one so I can try it out too please!


Reception – we are learning the phoneme z today. Can you write it in the air? Can you write it on your grown-ups back? Can you write it down?

Can you read these words and add soundbuttons?

R thurs wk2

Can you read these sentences?

R thurs sentences wk2

Remember you can always access Phonics Play for more phonics fun. Go to phase 2 or 3 to play games.

Years One and Two –  we are continuing with alternative spellings for oa today.

Can you read these sentences and highlight the oa sounds in each word, remember they may be spelt differently each time:

1 and 2 thurs wk2

Remember you can always access Phonics Play for more phonics fun. Go to phase 5 to play games.


Join me on Teams for today’s English lesson. See above for a reminder of times and check your email for your invitation.


Reception – instead of adding numbers together today to make them bigger, we are going to take them away to make them smaller by finding one less than. Watch this video with your grown-up to help you.


So today, could you get a total of 5 objects and take one away. So start with 5 and take one away – how many are left? Repeat these down to 1 less than 1. Grown-ups, if you want to, you could show your child this as a number sentence, i.e. 5-1=4.

Years One and Two – today we are moving on to subtraction or taking away. Remember if you are using a number line, this means you will be jumping backwards when you are using it! Watch the video, then complete the worksheet.


Remember to count carefully!


Today we are looking at the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Watch the video below to learn more about it.


Reception and Year One – please draw or make a menorah. You could make one out of playdough or use lego blocks or simply draw and colour one in your book. Can you think of eight things to say thank you for?

Year Two – answer my questions about Hanukkah. Please remember to write in full sentences.



Reception – read Ten Little Lights


Year One –  read Animals all around the world (this fits in nicely with our Science topic)


Year Two – read Aisha, the superhero
