Home learning tasks – 15/05/20

Good morning all.  I hope you are all okay?  I’ve seen some lovely work sent through via class dojo this week so thank you for that.  We do love seeing what you have been up to so please do keep in touch that way.  Parents, children could always type us a message too if they want, we’ll certainly reply to them.


Please continue with the tasks I set for you on Wednesday.  I’ve seen some fab hungry caterpillar stuff so far.

Year One

Maths and Topic are as set earlier in the week.

English – can you write me some sentences (maybe 5 or more) that use some of the suffixes you have been learning this week. Start your sentence with: When I went to the seaside, I saw… then write a number (in words) and add something you saw.  For example – When I went to the seaside, I saw one gigantic, blue whale swimming in the sea. The next sentence you write will be two…., then three… and so on.  I wonder what you will see? See if you can add some great descriptive words too so I can imagine what you saw. If you want to add drawings too – even better!

Year Two

Maths and Topic are as set earlier in the week.

English – here is a reading comprehension about beaches.  Remember to start your sentences with a capital letter and end them with a full stop please.
