Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 28th April

Hi Class 2,

I am glad that some of you managed to complete the computing task on purple mash yesterday? I know you have a really good understanding of e safety so some of you were able to offer really good advice. If you haven’t managed to look at it yet, it will be available for you to complete until Friday. Here are today’s tasks.


For your warm up can you try this fraction matching game.  I suggest that year 3 work on level 1, year 4 on level 2 and year 5 on level 3. If you find it too easy, try the level above. If you find it difficult, start with a fraction you know. Remember to look carefully at the denominator (the total number) and the numerator (the number that you have).

We will be working from the White Rose materials again. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 2- Subtract Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 2 – Halves and quarters
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 2 – Subtracting Decimals with the same number of decimal places.

Year 3-Lesson 2-Subtract-fractions

Year 4- Lesson 2-Halves-and-quarters-

Year 5- Lesson 2- Subtracting-decimals-with-the-same-number-of-decimal-places


Year 3

Can you watch the video from BBC bitesize explaining what prepositions are.

There is an activity to complete under the video. Once that is complete, I have set you a 2do on purple mash called Bella and the farm.

Year 4

Can you watch the videos from BBC bitesize about proper nouns and pronouns.

Can you then complete activity 1 from the BBC site. Once you have finished that, there is a 2do for you to complete on purple mash called past and present.

Year 5

Watch the BBC bitesize video on how to use brackets for parenthesis. There is a short activity for you to complete underneath.

You can also sing along to this video!   Once you have watched those videos there is 2do for you to complete on Purple Mash called story snaps.


Take a virtual tour of The Titanic. I found it easier to navigate using the menu at the bottom of the page to look at each part of the ship. You can also move across the ship with your mouse. Once you have had a look at that, can you fill in the diagram of the cross section of the Titanic which you should have in your learning packs.

Something Else?

Try some origami. Below find the link for instructions on how to make a butterfly and a frog.

