Home Learning Tuesday 9th June

Hello Class 2,

Its good to hear that some of you have been enjoying learning about whales, dolphins and porpoises. I hope you enjoys today’s tasks too!

Warm up: Can you complete a magic square?

magic squares
Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.This week we will be using some of the alternative materials, so the link to the videos may look different than usual.
Year 3 Summer term w/c 1st June lesson 2 Equivalent lengths – m and cm
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 1st June Lesson 2 – Add two digit numbers – no exchange
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 8th June Lesson 2 – Fractions of an amount
year 3 Lesson 2 – Equivalent lengths – m and cm
year 4 Lesson 2 – Add two digit numbers – no exchange
year 5 Lesson 2 – Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits (column method)
year 3 Lesson 2 Answers – Equivalent lengths – m and cm
year 4 Lesson 2 Answers – Add two digit numbers – no exchange

year 5 Lesson 2 Answers – Subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits (column method)


Using the work that you completed yesterday in topic you will start to plan your piece of persuasive writing. First please watch the following video and PowerPoint to remind yourself about persuasive writing.


BBC Video – Persuasion

You will now start to plan your persuasive writing – Should Dolphins be Kept in Captivity? Now start to organise your ideas using the planning frame below.



Can you please watch the video on whale and dolphin communication. The activity is part of the video, where you will be asked to try to identify who is making particular sounds.

Something else?

There is an e safety purple mash quiz for you to complete.