Thursday 07/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestioins


Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoyed making crumble yesterday.


Here are today’s suggested activities:

On Class Dojo on stories there is a video. Please watch it. I hope you enjoy it – it is a story about cake!



For phonics today try the following activity:

Our sound box/bag
Make collections of objects with names beginning with the same sound. Create a song,
such as ‘What have we got in our sound box today?’ and then show the objects one at a
time. Emphasise the initial sound (e.g. s-s-s-snake, s-s-s-sock, s-s-s-sausage).



Today, design and make some medals for you and the people that you live with. Then tomorrow you can all wear them together to enjoy the day! See below for some ideas on shapes:

VE Day Celebration Medal Template



Don’t forget to keep moving too!

Have a lovely long weekend and I’ll be back with some activities on Monday.
