Tuesday 02/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone!


Here are today’s home learning suggestions:

Watch ‘Hamilton’s Hats’ again on Class Dojo stories. Then download and print off the snap game or copy and draw the pictures. Whichever way you do it then cut the pictures out to make some snap cards. Finally, have a go at playing snap.



Yesterday you made some hats with different patterns. Today, grab some paper and wax crayons and go and do some rubbings in the garden of different patterns e.g. wall, fence.



For phonics today try this activity: Go to www.phonicsplay.co.uk and play ‘Super Smoothie’.



Remember, we still need to keep moving! Try Oti’s Boogie Beebies on iPlayer for some dancing.


Have another lovely day!
