First Aiders/Teachers can administer medicine to children only if the medicine displays a chemists dispensing label that clearly identifies pupils name, contents, dosage and date. Parents must also complete a medicine consent form which is available from the school office. Medicines must be handed to the school office by a parent at the start and end of the school day in order that they can be kept safely. Fridge kept medicines should be sent in to school in a cool bag.
Whenever possible parents should make arrangements to come into school to administer medication at lunchtime and break times.
It should be noted that all staff are advised that they should not ordinarily administer medicines and so most children will be required to self-administer.
Asthma inhalers may be retained by the pupils and are kept centrally in their classrooms or the school office.
Cheswardine Primary and Nursery School recognises that children need protection from the sun and will attempt to limit prolonged exposure. Parents are advised to apply sun creams before school and to make arrangements to further administer sun cream at lunchtime if they feel this is necessary. The provision of a sunhat is a requirement of our PE kit and children will be required to wear sunhats when outside during hot weather.
In the event of a minor accident first aid will be given. If the accident is serious the emergency services and the parents will be contacted immediately. If we are unable to contact the parent the child will be taken by one of the school staff to the hospital casualty department and the parent will be informed as soon as possible. Please ensure the secretary has an up to date emergency telephone number. Trained First Aid staff are on site.
School Medical Examinations
The following information sets out the arrangements for routine services provided by the School Health Service in conjunction with the school.
Our school nurses, Nurse Harrop and Nurse Mellor-Jones are based at Whitchurch Community Hospital and are contactable on 01948 660806. The School also works with Community Paediatricians contactable on 01743 450800.
During your child’s first term at school, he or she will have a general health check, including a measurement of height and weight, and a hearing test to be carried out by the School Nurse. At some time during the first year at school, your child will also have a vision test carried out by the Orthopist.
The School Health Service now operates a system of selective medicals. During their first year, and preferably their second term at school, children are considered for such medicals if concerns are expressed by the School Nurse, School Doctor or parents. In all cases full discussion will take place with parents and parental consent obtained before any examination takes place.
If you have any concerns about your child’s health in school, including bedwetting, soiling and behaviour at home, you can contact the School Nurse who will be pleased to discuss those concerns with the Doctor. The Doctor will then contact you and may arrange an appointment to see you and your child if necessary.
Health and Safety
The school aims to help parents understand that the school, like all others, has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. The school may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a pupil’s welfare.