Tuesday 02/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone!


Here are today’s home learning suggestions:

Watch ‘Hamilton’s Hats’ again on Class Dojo stories. Then download and print off the snap game or copy and draw the pictures. Whichever way you do it then cut the pictures out to make some snap cards. Finally, have a go at playing snap.



Yesterday you made some hats with different patterns. Today, grab some paper and wax crayons and go and do some rubbings in the garden of different patterns e.g. wall, fence.



For phonics today try this activity: Go to www.phonicsplay.co.uk and play ‘Super Smoothie’.



Remember, we still need to keep moving! Try Oti’s Boogie Beebies on iPlayer for some dancing.


Have another lovely day!


Monday 1/06/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good Morning everyone! I hope that you had a lovely half term break and enjoyed the sun.

Some of you are coming back to Nursery this week (Thursday the 4th) and I can’t wait to see you! We will be having lots of fun whilst we are learning. For those not coming back we will miss you but home learning suggestions will continue to be added every day in line with what we are going to do at Nursery.

Here are today’s suggestions;

Watch the video on Class Dojo stories. I will be reading ‘Hamilton’s Hats’.


Once you have listened to the story see if you can make your own hat – you could use paper / card or decorate an old hat you have at home. What colours and patterns could you use?


Today for phonics have a look around your home and garden and choose five objects. Talk about what the objects are called and then think about what sounds they begin with. Draw a picture of each object and then draw the initial sound next to it.


Finally, when it gets a bit cooler, take some time to enjoy some yoga outside. Here is an idea of one you could use:


Have a lovely day!


Friday 22/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hi everyone, this is the last day of this half term so today will be the last post of suggested activities until Monday the 1st of June.


So….here we go…

I know some of you will be missing your friends – just like we are all missing you, so today draw pictures of your friends in your purple sketch book. See if you can also copy their names underneath. What sounds are in your friends names? Do you recognise any?



For phonics today find an old paintbrush and some water and practice drawing ‘o’ on your garden path. Once you have done it on the path why not draw it on the wall of the house (outside of course!)? What else could you use to draw ‘o’ in different places – what about chalk, paint? Could you make an ‘o’ with play dough. I would love to see some photos of the different ways that you can do an ‘o’.



Have a go at ‘Five Little Firemen’ using Makaton.



When we come back for the last half term of the academic year I may see some of you, I may not. Rest assured suggested home learning activities will still be added and I will still keep in contact with you all regularly. Have a lovely half term (I would love to see photos of anything that you do over the break) and see you soon!



Thursday 21/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning! Here are today’s suggested home learning activities:


Go outside and find four or five decent sized stones / pebbles. Find some paint and pens and paint a fish onto each stone. This will make a shoal of fish like Stanley’s friends in the story. An example of one fish is below:


For phonics try this Letters and Sounds activity:

Odd One Out:

Put out three objects or pictures, two with names that rhyme and one with a name that
does not. Ask the child to identify the ‘odd one out’: the name that does not rhyme. Start
with a small set of words that can then be extended. The child needs to be familiar with the rhyming word families before they can use them in a game – spend time looking at the objects / pictures and talking about the pairs.



Find some chalk and a ball and go into the garden. Draw three differently sized circles. See how many times you can get the ball into the circles. Which is the easiest to get the ball into? Which is the most difficult?


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Wednesday 20/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions



Good morning!!

Here are today’s suggested learning activities:


Listen to Bright Stanley again if you want to. Then make a food jelly fish. You could use jelly or angel delight – anything that you have in the house really. Below is one I made at home. I used strawberry angel delight, banana and chocolate chips.




For phonics today see if you can find any objects beginning with ‘g’. If you do find some things beginning with ‘g’ draw some of them in your purple sketch books. Now practice writing ‘g’.




Now draw some number 3’s in your purple sketch book – try and fill the page! On the next page draw three monkeys. Then sing ‘three little monkeys’ and practice some Makaton signs.



Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Tuesday 19/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone!!


Today we will continue to do activities related to the story ‘Bright Stanley’. If you want to have another listen check back on Class stories on Class Dojo. Today I would like you to make some sparkly fish for the story. Below are some examples to give you some ideas of how to make one.




For phonics today give the following activity a try:

Rhyming soup:
Sit together so your child can see a selection of rhyming objects (e.g.
rat, hat, cat) placed on the floor. Use a bowl and spoon as props to act out the song below.
Take it in turns to choose an object to put into the soup and place it in the
bowl. After each turn, stir the soup and sing the following song to recite the growing list of things that end up in the soup.
Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:
I’m making lots of silly soup
I’m making soup that’s silly
I’m going to cook it in the fridge
To make it nice and chilly
In goes… a fox… a box… some socks…



For today’s physical activity why not have an ‘egg and spoon’ race. Grab some spoons and small balls / ping pong balls and have a family egg and spoon race. In your purple sketch book draw a number 1 and a picture of the person who came first. Then draw a number 2 and a picture of the person who came second and the same for whoever came third.



Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Monday 18/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hi everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend.


This week we continue with our Seaside topic but we are going to look at the story ‘Bright Stanley’. Have a look on our Class Dojo’s stories to hear the story.


When you’ve listened to the story make some puppets. You could use any materials – card, lollipop sticks or yoghurt pots – anything that you have in the house. If you want to you could also google the story and print out and cut the characters before putting them on a lollipop stick. Once you have made the puppets retell the story using them. I would love to see some photos.


For phonics today: Have a look at or print off the following sheet. Talk about what objects you can see. Put a circle around or draw any objects that begin with m. You can go on to do the same for d, g, o, c, k if you wish to.

i spy m



Print off this sheet (and cut out) or copy the shapes and cut out to make a picture of a butterfly or ladybird.

2D Shape Butterfly Picture Activity Sheets

2D Shape Ladybird Picture Activity Sheets



Finally, have a go at signing ‘Baa baa black sheep’.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.




Friday 15/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone. I hope you all had a lovely day in the sun yesterday, let’s hope it’s the same today!


Here are today’s suggested home learning activities:


Yesterday you looked at recipe books and some lovely cakes so to celebrate World Baking Day on Sunday, today or over the weekend make a cake that you like that you have seen in the recipe book. While you are making your cakes see if you can find any numbers in the recipe, if you do, write them in your purple sketch books. Photos of your lovely cakes would be great!



For phonics today I would like you to go on a listening walk / or just find a spot in the garden and sit down. We may have already done this through home learning but we are going to try it again as it is a very important skill. Walk / sit for just a few minutes and listen to the sounds that you hear. Then draw some of them in your purple sketch books.



Finally, try a bit of yoga in your garden.



Have a lovely weekend and lots of fun!


Thursday 14/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning everyone – it looks like the sun is back!


Here are today’s suggested home learning activities.


As it is World Baking Day on Sunday I would like you to have a look in some different recipe books and find the types of cakes that you like. When you have found one that you like draw a picture in your purple sketch book. Is your drawing exactly the same as the one that you have found in the book, or would you have different fruit or different coloured icing? To further extend this can you copy the words of some of the ingredients that you would need for the cake?


For phonics today please try the following activity: Roly poly:

Rehearse the rhyme with the actions (rotating hand over hand as in the song ‘Wind the
bobbin up’).

Ro … ly … po … ly … ever … so … slowly
Ro … ly … poly faster. (Increase the speed of the action as you increase the speed of the rhyme.)
Now add in new verses, such as:
Stamp … your … feet … ever … so … slowly
Stamp … your feet faster.

Ask the children to suggest sounds and movements to be incorporated into the song.
Say hello ever so quietly


As it is sunny today go outside and enjoy it. Maybe you could have some races? OR just put some music on and dance!


Have a lovely day and don’t forget to send me photos, Leanne.

Wednesday 13/05/2020 Nursery Home Learning Activities


Hello everyone!


Here are today’s suggested home learning activities:


Grab some paint and paint your hands and print them on some paper. Once the paint is dry cut them out. Turn your hand prints into a crab. An example is below:



For phonics try this Letters and Sounds activity: It is called ‘Socks and shakers’.

Partially fill either opaque plastic bottles or the toes of socks with noisy materials (e.g. rice, peas, pebbles, marbles, shells, coins). Ask the children to shake the bottles or socks and identify what is inside from the sound the items make. From the feel and the sound of the noisy materials encourage the children to talk about them. Ask questions such as: “Where might we find shells and pebbles”.


Can you find two objects that are a rectangle, two objects that are a circle and two objects that are a square? When you have, draw the biggest one of each in your purple sketch book.


Try a bit of yoga for your daily exercise:


Have a lovely day, Leanne.