Home Learning Tasks Monday 27th April

Good morning class 2.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and managed to spend some time outside in the lovely weather that we have had? Here are today’s tasks.

Can you choose on of the warm ups below? Try to spend 10 – 15 minutes completing the activity.


Silver – Can you work on doubling and halving?


We will be working from the White Rose materials again. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 1 – Add Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 1 – Round Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 27th April Lesson 1 – Adding Decimals with the same number of decimal places.
Year 3 – Lesson-1 – Add Fractions

Year 4 Lesson-1-Round-decimals

Year 5 – Lesson1-Adding-decimals-with-the-same-number-of-decimal-places


To start with, could you please ask someone in your house to test you on last week’s spellings? You should find this weeks spelling under the spelling tab.

I hope you have all been enjoying the books that I have given you to read? Today’s task is to write a description of one of the characters in your book. This could be a favourite character, a character you find funny or a character that you think you would enjoy describing. Please click the link below for more details.

Character Description Writing Task (1)


In your pack, you should find a map. Can you plot the journey that the Titanic took? Try to use this website to help you.

Something Else?

Can you complete the task confidential information on purple mash? Aimee needs some help with the personal profile she has created. What advice can you give her?





Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning Class 2,

I hope that you enjoyed some of the drawing activities that you completed yesterday? If any of you enjoyed following the illustrator Rob Biddulph, he has a youtube channel with many more illustrations you could have a got at? Here are today’s tasks.


Can you please try to complete this times tables check. You can try whichever level you feel confident with. It may tell you which times tables you need more practise with.

We will continue to work from the White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 3 – Compare Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 3 – Compare Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 3 – Complements to 1


Year 3 Lesson-3- Compare-fractions

Year 4 Lesson-3- Compare decimals

Year 5 Lesson-3- Complements to 1


Can you write a diary entry, imagining that you are a passenger that has just boarded the Titanic? Have a look at the BBC bitesize Titanic webpage. It will give you more of an idea about what life was like for the different class of passengers.Try to think about:

What type of passenger you are – first class or third class?

Using a range of vocabulary to describe the atmosphere as you boarded. Can you use the five senses?

Using metaphors and similes to describe what the great crowds of people looked like.

Using the facts that you have learnt about – what were the cabins like? what did the first and third class passengers look like?

Describing emotions can you use show not tell?

To help you get some ideas, here are two diary examples.

Titanic diary example

You can also use the following word bank.


In your pack you should have a ticket for a passenger who boarded the Titanic. Can you research the passenger and write a short paragraph about them? Everybody’s passenger will be different but your ticket should look like this.

Something Else?

Can you think of a time when you did something that challenged you. watch the video clip below and then discuss it with someone at home.


Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 21st April

Hello Class 2,

I hope you enjoyed your first day of the summer term? Here are today’s activities.


Could you please spend 10-15 minutes on times table rock stars.

We will continue to work from the White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below.
Year 3 – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2  – Equivalent Fractions
Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2 – Write Decimals
Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 2 – Subtracting Decimals within 1

The activities.

Lesson-2-Year 3 Equivalent Fractions

Lesson-2-Year 4 Write Decimals

Lesson-2-Year 5 Decimals within 1


Today we will complete a grammar focused task. Please watch the video clips from the BBC explain a bit more about the focus.

Year 3 – nouns and verbs

Year 3 BBC video clip nouns

Year 3 BBC video clip verbs

Year 4 and 5 -noun phrases

Year 4-5 BBC video clip


Look at Source a and b. These are images of the Titanic’s cabins in 1st and 3rd class.
• Compare the two types of accommodation shown here. Write three sentences to describe the differences.
• What does this tell you about differences between rich and poor at that time?
• Which of these cabins would you have preferred to stay in? Give your reasons why.



Can you research how the lives may have been different for first and third class passengers. In your home learning packs you should see the outline of a man and a woman. Can you draw what a first class and third class passenger may have worn?

Figure outline

Something else?

Watch the two videos below and try and draw like children’s book author and illustrator Rob Biddulph.


Home Learning Tasks Monday April 20th

Good morning Class 2!

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break? I’m sure that some of you managed to complete some of the Easter challenges that I set you? Well I hope you enjoyed them. I have mostly been spending time in my garden as the weather has been so lovely. I have also been enjoying some baking and crafts with my children. I hope you have done some lovely things too. Hopefully in English you will have the chance to tell me about them. Here are the tasks for today:


Could you complete the multiplication/divisors task on your 2dos in purple mash as a warm up.

We will now be completing some of our maths from the White Rose scheme of home learning. This is the same scheme that we use in school and has a useful video to help to explain/revise concepts before you complete a task. Please find the links to the White Rose materials below.

Year 3   – Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 1 – Equivalent Fractions

Year 4 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 1 – Make a whole

Year 5 -Summer term w/c 20th April Lesson 1 – Adding Decimals within 1

There is a link on the page to the activities but I have linked them below for you.




You can also find the answers to these tasks on the page linked above.

Let me know if you have any problems using these materials.


Can you write a letter about your experiences over the past four weeks including the Easter holidays? This letter can be written either to me or to a relative that you are unable to see at the moment.
Try to include:
An introduction – Why are your writing this letter? How are you feeling? Can you explain your situation?
A description of 2 -3 things that you have done at home. This could be learning based or it could be something that you have enjoyed with your family.
What is the best part about being on lockdown? – Why?
What is the worst part? – Why?
Conclusion/Summary (Something you are looking forward to, final thoughts or anything you have learnt?)
Perhaps you could then post this letter if it is to a relative, or if you have written to me, you could photograph it and post it on class dojo? I look forward to hearing what some of you have done.

Can you now ask an adult to test you on your spellings? You can find this weeks spellings under the spellings tab.


This week we will continue the Titanic work sent home in your home learning packs. Could you please look at the Titanic timeline PowerPoint below and then complete the Titanic timeline activity by cutting out the events and sticking them into your books in chronological order.

Titanic Timeline

Titanic – key events

Something Else?

Look at the animations on the BBC bitesize about how the Titanic was built. Find the link below.

How was Titanic built?

Also, remember to continue to read the books that were sent home in your home learning packs.

Have a lovely day.


Easter Activities

Good morning class 2,

I hope you have had a great start to your Easter holidays. Home learning lessons will begin again in two weeks time on Monday 20th April. To keep you busy until then, I have posted some optional Easter challenges below. Can you see how many of these you can complete? You can also continue to read the books that were sent home with you.

Easter Challenges pdf copy

Something Else?

Below you will also find some English and Maths activity booklets.

Year 3 Spring Maths Activity Booklet

Year 4 Spring-Themed Maths Activity Booklet

Year 5 Spring Themed Maths Activity Booklet

Year 3 Easter English Activity Booklet

Year 4 Easter Activity Booklet

Year 5 Easter Activity Booklet

Remember that you can still contact me through class dojo if you have any questions. Have a good holiday and I will speak to you on Monday 20th April.

Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 1st April

Hi Class 2,

Thank you for the pictures of you parachutes yesterday there were some brilliant designs. I have also had a look at the scores for the grammar and times tables 2dos that I set you on Monday, most of you did really well – particularly with the times tables 2do so well done. Here are today’s tasks.



In your packs you should find a Titanic comprehension. Could you please complete it writing full answers into your lined book.

Titanic comprehension year 3

Titanic comprehension year 4

Titanic comprehension year 5


I have set you a 2do called 2sequence. Try using it to add different instruments and sounds to create a tune. Now try speeding it up and slowing it down – can you improve the sound?  Now try moving the position of the different instruments and changing the volume of each instrument. Try making these changes until you are happy with your composition. Once it is completed please save and submit your work.

Something Extra?

Can you please continue to read the books in your packs.

Home Learning Tasks Tuesday 31st March

Good morning class 2,

I was really pleased to see some of the photographs of your egg parachutes yesterday. There were some very imaginative designs. I am looking forward to receiving more photographs. Here are your tasks for today.



Could you please read the next chapter of your books and complete the writing tasks below.

writing task


Can you please draw your design into you plain paper books and complete the questions on the second sheet about your design.

STEM Egg parachute

Something Extra?

Try this P.E. game

Home Learning Tasks Monday 30th March

Hello Class 2

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I am pleased that many of you managed to complete your tasks last week and I have enjoyed hearing off some of you on class dojo. Here are the tasks for today.



I have set you all a 2do on purple mash for English. Once you have completed the 2do there is a sheet of sentences to complete using what you have learnt.

Direct speech for year 3

Fronted adverbials for year 4

Relative clauses for year 5

Could you also ask someone in your house to test you on last weeks spellings? You can find this weeks spellings under the spellings tab.


Below is an enquiry that I would like you to do at home. This will be completed over two days – today and tomorrow. Perhaps you could try to make your parachute today and complete the questions on the second sheet straight into your books on Tuesday? I would also really like to see some of your parachute designs. Could you please take a photograph of your parachute and send it to me through class dojo? I will try and share some of the photos that I receive with you all. Don’t worry if you don’t have the exact materials at home you could try to use different items instead e.g. a small piece of fruit instead of an egg. Good luck and I am looking forward to seeing some of your designs!

STEM Egg parachute

Something Extra?

I have also added a times tables 2do -how many can you get correct?