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Class 2 Homework Friday 13th November

Hello Class 2,

Here is your homework for this week.

Read to an adult at home and practise your multiplication facts on TT Rockstars.

Log into Purple Mash and complete your 2Do’s. The maths game from last week is there again this week.

Use the link above to log onto BBC Bitesize and complete the activities for using adverbs and adverbial phrases.

Have a good weekend.

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 6th November

Hello Class 2

Here are your homework activities for this week. Log into Purple Mash and complete your 2Do’s.

Y3: Read Chapter 6 of Alien Hotel, complete the quiz and the character comparison.

Y4: Read Chapter 6 of Just the Beginning, complete the quiz and book review.

Y5: Read Chapter 6 of Leaping Hare, complete the quiz and book review.

All year groups: Dividers 2Do – using factors to divide. Start at the easy level and work up.

Have a good weekend,

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 2nd October 2020

Hi Class 2,

This week for your homework there are 3 activities set on Purple Mash for each Year group. These are all linked to the books you started reading last week.

Remember to hand in your work once completed.

As well as the activities on Purple Mash, spend at least 15 minutes per day practising your times tables and some time over the weekend learning your spellings for your spelling test on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 25th September

Class 2, Your homework this week is on Purple Mash

There is a separate reading activity and quiz for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5.

There is a Maths game on Fractions for all of Class 2. Choose your own level. If it’s too hard go down a level, if it is too easy go up a level.

Remember to hand your work in on Purple Mash once completed.

If you can’t find your login for Purple Mash, the class logins are below.

Purple Mash Logins

Mr. Church

Class 2 Homework Friday 18th September 2020

Here is this week’s homework for Class 2

Practise your spellings ready for your test on Monday

Maths revision from BBC Bitesize

Years 3 & 4: Compare numbers to 1000

Year 5:Round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000

When you have completed the activities, take a photo of your work and upload it onto Class Dojo for me to mark.

Many thanks,

Mr. Church

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 16th July

Good Morning Class 2

Here are your learning activities for today.


Year 3: Lesson 4 – Bar Charts.

Year 3-Lesson 4 – Bar charts

Year 3-Lesson 4 Answers – Bar charts

Year 4: Lesson 4 – Draw on a grid.

Year 4-Lesson 4 – Draw on a grid

Year 4-Lesson 4 Answers – Draw on a grid

Year 5: Lesson 4 – Timetables.

Year 5- Lesson 4 – Timetables

Year 5-Lesson 4 Answers – Timetables


Building on your previous learning designing a comic strip for your Superhero –

Year 3; Creating a comic strip.

Year 4: Creating a comic strip.

Year 5: Writing a myth.


PE with Joe Wicks at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


Learn about pulse, rhythm and the character of music with Florence Price and the Juba Dance.

If you can, get an adult to record a video of your composition and performance then post it on Class Dojo for me to see your amazing creations.


This will be my last post before the Summer Holidays, so have a great Summer break and stay safe. Try to do some reading every day and times tables practise every week to stay sharp. There will be a lot of catching up to do and gaps to fill when we return in September.

Have a great day, a lovely Summer and I look forward to catching up with you all in September.

A big thank you also to all parents and carers for supporting your children and helping them to engage with their online learning. I know it has not always been easy!

Take care,

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Wednesday 15th July

Good Morning Class 2.

Hope you all had a good weekend, nearly at the Summer Holidays now!

Here are your learning activities for today.


White Rose Summer Week 12 W/C 13/07/20

Year 3: Pictograms.

Year 3-Lesson 3-Pictograms

Year 3-Lesson 3 Answers – Pictograms

Year 4: Describe Position.

Year 4-Lesson 3 – Describe position

Year 4-Lesson 3 Answers – Describe position

Year 5: Converting units of time.

Year 5-Lesson 3 – Converting units of time

Year 5-Lesson 3 Answers – Converting units of time


Year 3: Writing Instructions.

Year 4: Writing Instructions.

Year 5: Learn about legends.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9:00am or catch up later in the day.


Log into Duolingo and complete any outstanding lessons from your Travel assignment. Once completed, revisit the lessons to upskill your level.


Enjoy another Chapter from David Walliams’ The World’s Worst Children.

Have a great day.

Mr Church

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