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Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26th June

Good Morning Class 2

Here are your learning activities for today.


As it’s Friday, it’s time for another Family Friday Challenge! Try to work through as many of the questions independently and then work as a family to complete the challenge.



Spend 15 to 20 minutes today on TT Rockstars practising your multiplication facts.


June 27th sees the start of London Climate Action Week. One of the factors affecting climate change is plastics pollution. Today you have a reading comprehension based around this world wide problem.


Year 3: Read the one star text and answer the one star questions.

Year 4: Read the two star text and answer the two star questions.

Year 5: Read the three star text and answer the three star questions.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


To link in with London Climate Action Week, learn about plastics and sustainability.

Have a great day, stay alert and enjoy the weekend.

Mr Church

Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 4th June

Good Morning Class 2. I hope you all had a good half-term and were able to enjoy the super weather we have had recently. Thanks to all of you who posted your beats onto Purple Mash, I really enjoyed listening to them. I know some of you really enjoyed the “Foodie” themed activities, the photographs of your creations were amazing.

Here are your learning activities for today.


Carrying on with the White Rose Maths, you need to complete lesson 4 of Summer Term Week 6 W/C 1st June. The introductory videos can be found here.

Year 3: Lesson 4 – Fractions of a set of objects

Year 3- Fractions of a set of objects-2

Year 3-lesson-4-answers-fractions-of-a-set-of-objects-2

Year 4: Lesson 4 – Calculate Quantities

Year 4-lesson-4-calculate-quantities-2019

Year 4-lesson-4-answers-calculate-quantities-2019

Year 5: Lesson 4 – Fractions as operators

Year 5-lesson-4-fractions-as-operators-2019

Year 5-lesson-4-answers-fractions-as-operators-2019


For today’s English activities you need to visit BBC Bitesize Home Learning

Year 3: Revising apostrophes in contractions. There are two videos to watch and three activities to complete.

Year 4: Revising apostrophes in contractions. There are two videos to watch and three activities to complete.

Year 5: Setting and Subordinating Conjunctions. There are two videos to watch and three activities to complete.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.

MFL French

Log into Duolingo and work through Lessons 2 and 3 of your “People” Assignment. Keep re-visiting the lesson to build up your skill level.

A Bit of Fun!

The weather seems to be turning a bit damp, so if you are stuck inside , have a go at some of these paper planes. Which one do you think will fly the best? Easy to follow instructions can be found here.

Have a great day.

Mr Church

Update 29th May 2020 regarding the reopening of our school

Update 29th May 2020

Regarding the reopening of Cheswardine Primary and Nursery School

We are very sorry for this situation but Western Power are disabling the power to our school on the 2nd June for the whole day.  In accordance with our risk assessment regarding the reopening of Cheswardine Primary and Nursery School we will now reopen to children in Year 6, Year 1, Reception and Nursery on Thursday 4th June 2020.  Please email regarding keyworker place requests.

Thank you.

Class 2 Home Learning Friday 22nd May

Good Morning Class 2.

A big thank-you to all those of you who uploaded your beats to Purple Mash. I really enjoyed listening to your compositions. It was good to read that so many of you enjoyed this activity.

Maths and English are going to have a “Foodie” theme today. You might not get it all completed today, as there are some practical recipes you might want to try out, so just carry it over into next week.

The whole family can get involved with this one. Go to White Rose Maths and watch the video for the Family Challenge. Summer Term Week 3 W/C 4th May – Friday.

Then try the Family Challenge activities below.


You can also explore different pictures that you can make with the Tangram pieces. Try this interactive challenge. You can manipulate the Tangram pieces on screen, so no need for cutting.

Here are some recipes linked to the Maths for you to have a go at. If you make something take a photo of it to post on Class Dojo. You can also upload it to the Maths website mentioned in the video if you like.



You will need to log into Curriculum Visions today.

User name is: Class2TC

Password is: Cheswardine2020

When you are on the Home Screen, Click on the English tab to open up the English resources. Scroll down through to the bottom of the page.

Click on the blue box file which has “Menu” written on it. This will open up “The Great Menu Challenge” page which has all the instructions and resources needed to create your own menu.


Make sure that you read this part first as it explains everything you need to do in order to create your menu for the World Cafe.

The Menu template is included in the resources but you need to scroll right down to find it. If you can’t find it, I’ve included it below.

Menu Template Curriculum Visions

There are lots of interesting books and articles on food for you to read and lots of lovely recipes for you to enjoy. If you make anything from one of the recipes make sure to take a photograph of it and upload it to Class Dojo along with your Menu for me to see.

I hope you enjoy your “Foodie” themed activities.


PE with Joe at 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.

MFL French

Continue with upskilling your Level on the “People” assignment on Duolingo

Hope you enjoy these practical activities and have a great Bank Holiday weekend.


Class 2 Home Learning Thursday 21st May

Good Morning Class 2

I hope you are all fit and well and enjoying getting out in the great weather we are having at the moment. Here are your learning activities for today.


Year 3: Here is the link for your video for today’s lesson

Add two 3-digit numbers. The activity sheet and the answers can be found below.

Lesson 4 – Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100

Lesson 4 Answers – Add two 3-digit numbers – not crossing 10 or 100

Year 4: Here is the link for your video for today’s lesson

Fractions greater than 1. The activity sheets and answers can be found below.

Lesson 4 – Fractions greater than 1

Lesson 4 Answers – Fractions greater than 1

Year 5: Here is the link for today’s video

Subtract Mixed Numbers. Below are the links to your activity sheets and answers

Lesson 4 – Subtract mixed numbers

Lesson 4 Answers – Subtract mixed numbers


We will be using BBC Bitesize for our lessons today.

Year 3: Understanding Subordinating Conjunctions. Click on the link to go to the lesson content and activities.

Year 4:Using Subordinating Conjunctions. When you add extra information into a sentence you may need to use subordinating conjunctions. Click on the link below to go to the lesson content and activities.

Year 5: Using Modal Verbs. There are two videos to take you through the lesson and three activities.


PE with Joe at 9.00am on Youtube or catch up later in the day.

MFL French

This week I want you to try and upskill a level on a new assignment. I have set the new assignment “People” which you should see when you log into Duolingo.

Work through Lesson 1 and then keep going back through it to upskill your level. How high can you get?


Enjoy this article about The Ice Monster created by David Walliams. Can you complete the crossword and quiz?


Learn to draw like Tony Ross by creating your own illustration of a Mammoth or Penguin. Post your finished illustration on Class Dojo so that I can take a look.

Have a great day.

Mr. Church

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