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Wednesday, 01/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.

I hope you enjoyed the activities yesterday. Well done to the children who made a rainbow and sent some photos to Class Dojo. Below is my rainbow! There is also a photo of what the egg looks like today – not much has happened so far so we will have to wait a bit longer to see what is inside! Thank you to those who have predicted what is inside the egg and have sent me a picture of their drawings. I love seeing them.

Today’s activities are:

Listen to Jolly Phonics on YouTube and then practise drawing a ‘t’ in any way that you like.

Use some chalk on your garden paths, house walls – anything you can find –  to practise ‘t’ and your name, maybe draw a rainbow too!

With any fruit you have make a fruit salad for lunch.

In your purple sketch book draw a picture of what you think might happen next with the egg.

More photos would be great, thank you.


Tuesday 31/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone!

So… the weather has gone a little bit cooler so here are some activities that can be done inside or outside.

Physical activity continues to be important and it is really good to mix it up. Today try some ‘Brain Breaks’ on YouTube. ‘Shake Your Sillies’ is one of my favourites!

You may well have seen that people are making rainbows to put in their windows. I think it would be a lovely idea if we all joined in and made our own rainbows (if you haven’t yet). Use anything you have – paint, crayons, craft / collage materials. I will make one too. How big will yours be? Put any photos on Class Dojo please.

I also have a bit of a problem. Whilst gardening I found an egg in my vegetable patch! My problem is that I don’t know where the egg came from and what will be inside it. Included in this post is a photo of the egg (the photo is a bit dark, sorry). Can you guess what is inside the egg? In your purple sketch book please draw a picture of what you think the egg will look like tomorrow and I will post another photo.

I would also like it if you were to spend time singing Nursery Rhymes today. It would be great to see any videos of you singing your favourite Nursery Rhymes on Class Dojo.

Keep safe, Leanne.


Monday 30/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend!

Here are today’s suggestions:

As this is a very strange period in everyone’s lives I think we should ‘commemorate’ this time. I would like the children to draw a picture of themselves and keep it safe. Please date it too, as when we come back we will put them all together in a ‘time machine’ and bury them.

Please use the rabbit cutting sheet that you were provided with. Cut out the features of the rabbit and then stick onto the rabbit’s body on the other piece of paper.

Go on a hunt around the house and find items that begin with ‘a’. Draw these items in your purple sketch books and practise drawing an ‘a’.

Also, please keep up with physical activity again this week, it is VERY important.

Remember, please send photos over Class Dojo as I love to see what you have been up to!

Have a lovely day, Leanne.


Friday 27/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

So….it’s Friday! We have got to the end of the week!

Today’s activity suggestions are very practical.

I hope that you are all still doing some type of physical activity every day – has anybody tried the dance class with Oti yet? I’d love to see some videos.Tomorrow the dance is based on the Jungle book.

Make the most of the sun and go outside and find anything you have to make an obstacle course. You could use patio chairs, slides, clothes dryers – anything you can find! Again, photos or videos would be great!

Today on Instagram at 2pm there is an art club. You will need cardboard, recycling, glue, tape and scissors to participate. Just search for emma_scottchild on Instagram.

Finally, watch Jolly Phonics (Phase One) on YouTube and then practise drawing a ‘s’. You can do this in sand, soil or shaving foam – it doesn’t have to be pens and papers. Then go on a hunt and see if you can find any objects beginning with ‘s’. In your purple sketch book please draw some of these objects.

Have a lovely weekend!


Thursday 26/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone.

I hope you had fun yesterday joining in with Joe Wicks and Oti Mabuse. You will all be super fit by the time we get back to Nursery! These are both on again today so please have another go. Today’s dance with Oti is based on Mary Poppins. After the dance maybe you could make up your own dance routine?

How was the singing and signing session – did you enjoy it? Don’t forget if you search for Singing Hands on YouTube you will find lots of different things such as songs and stories – one of my favourites is Dear Zoo!

You have all been provided with a story book. Please share the story book and then draw a picture of your favourite character. To extend the fun you could make some puppets and have a puppet show. Use anything you have – plastic cups, socks, lollipop sticks and other craft materials.

You were also provided with a new nursery rhyme in your pack. Have a go at learning it and upload a video of you singing it on to Class Dojo.

Have fun!


Wednesday 25/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everybody, I hope you are all well. Following the news on Monday we need to ensure that the children are still participating in lots of physical activities at home.

Please continue joining in with Joe Wicks every morning at 9am. If you are looking for something different, search for Oti Mabuse on Facebook. She is a dancer on Strictly Come Dancing and is doing children’s dance classes at 11:30am live on her Facebook page every day. I watched one yesterday and it seemed like great fun!

So….yesterday you went on a shape hunt. Today try a number hunt and see what numbers you can find around your house and garden. For an extra challenge try and draw these numbers in your purple sketch book. Of course you are welcome to send some photos to Class Dojo. For those children going into Reception in September you have a number formation sheet in your pack to help you.

The next suggestion is another internet activity, however, it is one that should keep the children engaged. Again, it is on Facebook. Search for Early years speech language communication and confidence development. A live ‘sing and sign’ class will be shown at 9:30am. They are trying to make it as interactive as possible. If you have any of the following please use them: frog, favourite teddy, monkey, elephant, lion, crocodile and a shaker. I would love to see some videos of your children joining in!

Finally, have a picnic – indoors or outdoors. The children could help to make the picnic too! Have another great day!


Tuesday 24/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello. I hope everyone is okay and that today was a good day. Here are some ideas for tomorrow’s home learning. I have seen videos and photographs of lots of children taking part in the Joe Wicks P.E session. It would be a good idea to do this again.

As an activity tomorrow you could go on a shape hunt around your house and garden. Talk about the shapes of different objects e.g rectangle window and take some photos or draw some pictures in your purple sketch book.

Paint a picture on some tin foil – it looks great and is that bit more exciting than painting on paper!

Take some time to listen and sing to Jolly Phonics Phase One (YouTube). Those children who are going into Reception in September have been provided with some sound cards. Don’t forget to use these to help to  support your child’s recognition.


23/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Today for your first day why not start well and join in with Joe Wicks in some physical activities? You can find him on the Body Coach TV on YouTube at 9am today.

Other activities that you could do today….use the shape colouring sheets that you have been provided with and encourage recognition of shapes and colours. Children could also draw their own pictures using shapes.

Make the most of the weather and go outside – build a den with anything you can find! Take some photos and add them to your purple sketch book or Class Dojo.

At the end of the day wind down with a spot of Cosmic Yoga (YouTube).

Have fun!

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