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Tuesday 28/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello again!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s activities. Here are some suggested activities for today:


When we are at the beach we see lots of things – one of those is water! Today I would like you to have a big tub of water and find lots of pots. Take time to explore the water and pots. Which one do you think will hold the most water?

How could you change the water? Use different things from around the house to change the water. Maybe you could use food colouring or bubble bath?


Look on Class Dojo stories for our ‘n’ phonics activity.


Don’t forget to keep moving! Find Oti Mabuse on Youtube and try out the ‘Kids in America’ dance. The link is below:


Another activity you could do is to find your lego and see what you can build. Could you build a boat to go out to sea on?


Don’t forget to send photos and have a lovely day, Leanne.

Monday 27/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone. I hope that you had a lovely weekend! Welcome back to our second week of the Summer Term.


We will continue our topic of ‘Seaside’.

When we go to the seaside we usually enjoy different foods (especially if the sun is shining!) What would you eat and drink if you were at the seaside? In your purple sketch book you could draw or paint pictures of what you would eat at the seaside. If you have the boxes or wrappers of some items you could stick these into your sketch books too. When you have done this see if you can make your own ice lolly. Below is a link to show you how you could make one yourself.

Another easy way to make an ice lolly would also be to use squash or juice and then put it into an appropriate container before freezing.


For phonics today it is a noisy one!! Find some beaters (two wooden spoons will do) and use them to bang on different objects or items. Can you make it quieter or louder? Can you do it slower or faster? What objects make the best noise?


What does a rectangle look like? Can you find any in your house / garden? In your purple sketch book draw what you find. Are the rectangles all the same size?


Today’s Makaton sign is ‘beach’. Practice signing this at home.


Don’t forget to send photos to Class Dojo. It’s really nice to see what you have been up to.


Friday 24/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


You have made it to Friday!


I hope you had fun making your junk box vehicles yesterday.


Here are some suggested activities for today:


Make a collage of what you think you would find at the beach. You could use and cut up photographs, magazines or catalogues. Would you find a bucket and spade or would you find a play house? What do you think? Everything that you cut out glue into your purple sketch book to make a picture. You can use crayons and other craft materials too.


For phonics take a look on Phonics Play and follow the link below:

Don’t forget the Username is: march20 and the Password: home


Draw numerals 1-5 in your purple sketch book. Go around your house and find one of something, two of something, three of something etc and place it next to the numeral and then take a photo.


You need to keep moving so try this Spiderman work out. It’s great fun! I would love to see some videos or photos! Follow this link:



Don’t forget to keep a look out on Class Dojo stories for some videos from me.


Have a great day, Leanne.



Thursday 23/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello! I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s activities. Did you all have a go at  practicing the Makaton sign for sunglasses? Here are some activities for today:


We packed a bag yesterday for a holiday but how can we get there? Can you please look at some different modes of transport (using books or the internet) and then using junk box items (e.g. yoghurt pots, food boxes etc) make a model of the vehicle which will get you there.


For phonics could you please listen to Jolly Phonics Phase One on YouTube and learn the song for the first sound of your name, for example if your name is Bob listen to all of the Jolly Phonics songs and then go back and learn the song for ‘b’. It would be great to see some videos! When you have done this grab a pot of water and a paintbrush and practice drawing the first sound in your name on your path / wall (anywhere that will show up with water).


In your purple sketch book can you please draw a circle and then go on a circle hunt in your house and garden. If you find any objects with circles draw these in your book too.


For some fun physical movement try this out. Follow this link:

and join in with ‘Under the sea’ from the Little mermaid. It looks like great fun!


Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Wednesday 22/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello again! I hope you’re enjoying the sunshine still. Below are some activities to do today.


We are thinking about the seaside so today have a think about what you would take on holiday. Look around your house to help you. You could even pack them in a bag or suitcase to see if everything fits in! When you have done this draw a picture of a suitcase or bag in your purple sketch book (use a double page if you need to) and then draw some of the things that you have decided to take on holiday.


For phonics today I would like you to go into your garden and sit quietly and close your eyes for a moment. Think about what you can hear – can you hear a dog or a door shutting? See if you can make any of those noises yourself!


Go into your garden and find some interesting stones. Nursery leavers – guess how many there are and then count them. Now draw the stones in your purple sketch book and then draw the numeral relating to the amount you have found. How many are there if you take one / two away? Younger children – guess how many stones there are and then count them. Next draw them in your book.


As we are thinking about going on holiday and what we should pack see if you can sign ‘sunglasses’ in Makaton. Below is the symbol for sunglasses with a picture to help you sign it. Send a video of you doing it to Class Dojo.




I hope you have fun doing these activities and keep sending photos and videos. I love seeing what you are doing and which activities you like the most.




Tuesday 21/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hi everyone, here are Tuesday’s home learning suggestions:


Start the day with some physical activity. Try the following activity to get ready for the rest of the day.


If you didn’t see it yesterday take a look on the stories on Nursery Class Dojo. Join in with the recorded phonics session on ‘p’.


After you looked at holiday photographs yesterday, please draw a picture from your favourite holiday in your purple sketch book and talk about the drawings.


Next, in your purple sketch book can you draw a square? What does a square look like? Can you find any squares in your house or garden? Draw some of the things that you have found.

Guess what? My egg hatched! Have a look and see if you were right about what you thought was in the egg.

Have a lovely day, Leanne.

Monday 20/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Hello everyone!!

I hope you have had as good an Easter break as you could have done. Thank you for sending me lots of photographs of the activities that you have been doing at home. I love seeing photos of you doing some of the activities that I post on here.

So….we are now into the Summer Term and what should be the last term in Nursery for some of our children. I will continue to post home learning suggestions for as long as we are not in Nursery. These activities are suggestions but it would be great if you could continue to do them with your children. Our theme will be ‘The Seaside’ so something which can provide lots of lovely activities.

Today I would like you to spend time finding and looking at old holiday photographs. Support your child in talking about the photos and what they can see. Who is in the photo? What were they doing? How old do they think they were then? Also use this as an opportunity to look at shapes and colours in the photographs. Once you have done this your child could make a collage in their purple sketch book with some of the photos found.


For our daily phonics please go to www. and then sign in (information below):

Username: march 20   and Password: home

Then follow this link:


For another activity sing ‘One, two, three, four, five….’  with your child. The lyrics are below (remember to use your fingers as a visual representation).

One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again

Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right

One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a crab alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again

Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right

One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught an eel alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let it go again

Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right


Don’t forget to send photos and videos of your child doing these activities (through Class Dojo). If you have any questions please get in touch.






Easter Home Learning Suggestions


As it is Easter…have lots of fun! Enjoy being together.


Below are some suggestions of things that you could do together:

Draw, colour in and cut out Easter eggs and rabbits. Use these to have an Easter hunt together.


Make some Easter nests to eat.


Here is a good page for other Easter treats that you can make together:


Try this page for a variety of Easter crafts:


I would love to see what you have done over the Easter break so feel free to send any photos through Class Dojo.


Happy Easter, Leanne.



Friday 02/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone! So…we’ve come to another Friday. The last day of this term before Easter!

Did you have a look at any wildlife videos yesterday? They looked very interesting!

I have a new photo of the egg – something is happening!! Do you still think you know what it is? Draw a new picture in your sketch book of what you think it might be now.

Today’s suggestions are:

Join in with ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ story. This takes place at 10:30am today so you will need to register before then and follow the instructions. Use this link to register:

Go onto YouTube and search for Singing Hands and have a go at learning how to sign one of their songs.

Use the card and Easter stickers that were provided in your pack to make an Easter card.

Somebody has been in my garden! Can you find all of the eggs? How many are there? Can you see any colours or shapes? Write about the eggs in your purple sketch book and then please design your own egg – one that you would like to get!


You will have to look really closely at the second picture!!

I will add a mini project on here later for the Easter holiday if you should wish to do it.


Have a really lovely and relaxed Easter holiday!




Thursday 02/04/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hi everyone!

Here are today’s suggested tasks:

Take a look at a mini music session. Type Myleene’s music class into YouTube and then put on ‘The one where we learn basic rhythms and then play your name’. There are some real musical words used but the children should really like the activity.

Visit DDMIX on Facebook where a member of Darcey Bussell’s team will take the children through a dance routine. These happen at 1:30pm live every afternoon but you can also watch past ones on the Facebook page. If you watch a past one you may have to fast forward as there may be a little talking before the dance begins!

Today and Friday why not take a look at some wildlife? Discover Wildlife has a schedule with some interesting watches. Go to for more information. The wildlife garden at 3pm tomorrow looks interesting.

Seeing as it is nearly Easter……in your purple sketch book draw numbers 1,2,3,4,5 down the side of the page. For each number draw that amount of Easter eggs and colour in with colours that you like.

Keep safe, Leanne.

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