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What are we doing this week?

From the week beginning Monday, 6th of February we have the following adult initiated plans. These plans may change depending on the children’s interests and are never steadfast. We will also be doing lots of the usual….singing, looking at and reading stories, drawing, outdoor play and much more!


This week we are planning to do things based on our Winter topic, baking and Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

*Dress dolls in winter clothes.
*Cosmic Yoga.
*Paint scarf and glove patterns.
*Make winter playdough.
*Make healthy flapjacks.
*Make more items for the Bug Hotel (Challenge Time).
*Unworry drawing activity.
*Winter walk around the school and Nursery grounds.


Next week!


Next week we are going to be looking at The Polar Bear and the Snow Cloud as a starting point.

*We will be reading the story and then painting with different utensils.

*We are going to write some poetry for a competition.

*On Tuesday we will be having our fortnightly visit to the Library van.

*We really love baking so we are going to make a healthy chocolate cake.

*During challenge time we will be taking the next step in making our bug hotel.

*We will be practising our scissor skills and making some polar bear masks.

*Finally we will look at how a snowflake is made.


It’s all very wintery!!

Zoom call from Santa!


Yesterday Nursery and Class One had a fabulously festive afternoon.

We iced some biscuits, had a hot chocolate and then received a zoom call from the man himself, Santa! The children were able to ask him some questions. One great one was “How is Rudolph?”. Santa then did a magic trick and read a story. He congratulated the children on their brilliant phonics work and how kind they are to each other.

What are we doing this week?

This week we have lots of Christmassy things to do!

*Make more Christmas cards to deliver around the village.

*Library van visit.

*Nativity practice.

*Ice Christmas biscuits, drink hot chocolate and zoom from Santa. (A surprise for the children).

*Make our snowflake headbands.

*Make chocolate and candy cane hearts.

*Friday 9am Parents in for a Christmas ‘get together’.

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